View Full Version : dog poo worm farm

26th October 2007, 09:34 AM
Hi all,
There are a few options out there where you can use a worm farm to dispose of dog poo. Is anyone doing this, and if so whats the best farm and worms to buy?
Any info would be great.

26th October 2007, 11:51 AM
Hi, I have just been reading a magazine called Grass roots #183 and there is a reference to an article on dog poo and worm farms in issue 168, maybe you can get it from your local library.

Cheers Fred

26th October 2007, 02:06 PM
This is the method I use to dispose of dog poo

Made mine similar to this one

Info on worm farms here

and here.

Planned LScape
26th October 2007, 08:09 PM
The biggest problem is training the dog to do the poo duty with the shovel!

29th October 2007, 12:34 PM
I read something the other day suggesting that you never add anything but dog poo - the worms are discerning little critters

10th November 2007, 08:06 PM
Yeah its sounds a little harsh, you can only give them dog poo, if you give them anything else they will eat it instead.

10th November 2007, 10:41 PM
why not just flush it down the dunny?

12th November 2007, 12:03 AM
Read something in passing ( :D given the thread title :rolleyes: ) about not putting the dog crap in the worm farm if you've recently wormed your dog.

Dunno, just passing it on... :rolleyes: again :D

12th November 2007, 06:59 AM
These are really sort of two different things. The "septic" method with the bottom of the trash bin cut out or the fancy comm'l one is a dry septic bed. The septic treatment powder helps break it down like a septic field. Not a good choice if you have a high water table in your yard or the soil perc is really slow.

Worms would eat dog poo no problem, but you'd probably want to stop doing it after a week because of the smell. If you have a 1 acre lot and your neighbor doesn't live anywhere near the line, put it in the bottom corner and go for it. I would think you'd really get a lot more flies as well.

If you go the worm bin for poo, make sure you're always adding a lot of dry plant matter, to balance the diet of the worms. This would be brown leaves or grass, shredded newspaper or cardboard, or of course wood shavings (not sawdust).

My worms make compost for the garden, and it isn't recommended that you use animal waste compost on anything you might eat. Finally, any antibiotics or medications you use on your dog will affect your worm population.