View Full Version : Resealing slate floor
25th October 2007, 06:36 PM
I have a slate floor in the main living area of my house and also on an outdoor patio. The outdoor floor seems to need resealing almost every six months or so but it may be because I am using the wrong product for the job or perhaps not preparing properly. Does anyone have any recommendations on what to use to seal slate and also do I need to strip the old sealant off first?
26th October 2007, 12:08 PM
No takers?
I've got a tired looking slate bathroom that needs re sealing. The old stuff is starting to flake in places as well. I'd love to rip it all up and lay some nice new tiles, but that would be stretching the budget a bit.
I guess I'll just scrape off the worst of the flaky bits and throw another coat of slate sealer over it. :?
26th October 2007, 01:33 PM
I've just picked up a water based slate sealer that promises to do the trick - I prefer water based, no fumes. I'm going to hose off the patio and then hit it with a degreaser to get rid of any oils and the like - then I'll hose it again and let it dry overnight. I'll let you know how it goes, then again I won't really know for another 6 months :)
27th October 2007, 12:53 PM
Ok just put the second coat on, I used a lambswool applicator for the first coat and rolled the second. I'll probably do a third with the applicator tomorrow. It's totally different to what I expected, it goes on as an opaque white colour and then dries, makes it easy to see where you have missed, and you do :) The other way to make sure that you don't miss any spots is to have your wife watch you, she will point out any missed bits very quickly :D