View Full Version : The Cat

25th October 2007, 03:22 PM
We have had a stray cat hanging around our house for a while now and have tried everything to get rid of it

Someone told me to put petrol in a bowl and it will take one sniff of it repulse the smell and leave never to return

So the other night I put some petrol in a bowl went back in side and watched out the window

To my surprise the cat went up to the dish sniffed the petrol and lapped up all the contents of the bowl
The cat then took off ran around the back yard very fast about four times
Ran out the front and ran around and around then ran across the road and stopped

He ran out of petrol

PS no animals where harmed in anyway during the concoction of the yarn

25th October 2007, 03:41 PM
Got a lighter mate?

Mmmm yum yum....

25th October 2007, 04:17 PM
Little Johhny was talking to his parish priest after church one Sunday.

"What's so special about the holy water?" asked little Johhny.

"Well just this morning I rubbed some on a ladies belly and she passed a little baby" replied the priest.

"Thats nothing. I rubbed some Metho on a Cats ???? and it passed 2 cars and a Motorbike"

25th October 2007, 08:35 PM
Yer a cruel lot of bar stewards:oo:

26th October 2007, 07:26 AM
We had a very economical cat. And smart too - we were teaching it to live on nothing.

Unfortunately it was just getting used to it and it died:D