View Full Version : carnauba wax

24th October 2007, 03:54 PM
just got a job in cleaning and waxing a georgian penbroke table,
the client didnt want it re polished as she likes the dings.
I cleaned off the old dirty stuff with a simple oil, vinager touch of meths and old 600grit and when it was clean relised there was polish worn off in large patches.(dont think I did it)
I applyed a coat of feast watson carauba to even out the shine and its better
can i put another coat on same day and is C wax more water resistant than bees wax
client has a habit of putting pot plants on it:rolleyes:

Ian Wells
24th October 2007, 04:36 PM
I don't think it is , the amount of carnuaba in that wax would probably be less than 10% by weight so I'd guess its mostly a bees wax blend or microcrystaline etc.
I've found a little linseed on the rubber when applying a wax will in my experience give it a little more water resistance, cant give reason for this or evidence but it may work for you (may slow drying a bit so please test first on a bit of scrap)


24th October 2007, 11:11 PM
I havent used a lot of carnauba

Ian Wells
24th October 2007, 11:32 PM
I havent used a lot of carnauba

Do you mean you've not used a lot of the FW mastertouch wax (wax blend containing carnauba) on the piece or you have not had a lot of experience using carnauba wax containing finishes?
I'm using the feast watson wax at the moment on a wooden floor and its going on beautifully with a pad of oooo steel wool.
One coat should do it, as with waxes, less is more.


I should add that the Ubeaut traditional wax is very good, very much worth a try


24th October 2007, 11:49 PM
Think astrid is talking about the product they market as "Pure Carnuaba Wax", it is very hard drying material that does need a day in between coats.

Wax (almost any wax) will give you good water resistance but not enough to protect it from a pot plant, the only stuff that will is the "P" stuff that astrid does not like.

24th October 2007, 11:58 PM
thats what i wanted to know
but i'm not putting "p" on a 200yo table:U so she can wear the watermarks with warning