View Full Version : Renovation thread deleted?
19th October 2007, 10:59 AM
Hey ho,
Ive been running a thread for a couple of years on the renovation of my house. I was about to post an update because ive finished the painting, but I can't find it?
Something wrong in the thread?
19th October 2007, 01:56 PM
Don't panic viewers, normal programming has been resumed - sort of. The thread was deleted accidently when the mods were chasing down some spam. All has been restored apart from the pics, hopefully I can start re-adding some pics (I did have a hard drive crash earlier this year and lost nearly everything) in the near future.
19th October 2007, 02:26 PM
It only gets better punters. I vaguely remember when our hard drive crashed (and we lost 10 years of photos), that I was grateful for the WW forums as at least I had managed not to lose the photos that I had posted in the renovation thread. Subsequently I downloaded the pics from the thread for my own back-up - go figure!! Anyway, I'll start reposting the pics as I get sick of actually doing the reno