View Full Version : FW Floor Seal then???????

Kerry Blue
17th October 2007, 12:06 PM
Just working on an Oak project which has had two coats of Feast Watson Floor Seal with a light sand between coats. Do I need to apply more coats to protect the table top? What then? I've got some Feast Watson Carnuaba Wax and am thinking of rubbing that into the surface with 0000 steel wool. Will this be OK and give me a durable finish? Any feed back/ ideas appreciated! :?

17th October 2007, 08:26 PM
You have just boxed yourself into a corner.

before you apply anything to a surface you should determine what the finish is that you want to end up with.

Then you can determine what steps need to be carried out to get you to the result you want.

If you put anything on first you are then dictated by that material as to what can be applied on to it.

What you have done is similar to jumping into the car setting off down the highway before you decide where you actually want to go, you may be going south when you really want to go north.

You will have to decide now what finish you want to have on the oak and check that its possible to apply it over the FW floor seal on there. Or change your mind and put onto the sealer materials meant to go over it.

17th October 2007, 10:06 PM
what sort of finish do you want?
if he buffs it back with 0000 steelwool he should be able to key in a nother finish.
why did you use floor sealer?