View Full Version : Oiling hardward feels sticky

16th October 2007, 02:57 PM
I have some hardwood posts about 95mm square.

They were milled about 2 years ago now, so probably not exactly green but unlikely completely dry either.

Planed them down and then oiled them.

I oiled them with some 50% turps and 50% boiled [maybe raw] linseed oil.

A couple of coats over a few days.

Instead of feeling oilly they feel sticky.

Any idea why?

And any ideas as to change this?

Was just going to use the linseed oil by itself and see how that goes?

Your thoughts as always are appreciated.



16th October 2007, 03:13 PM
I think your supposed to use boiled linseed on timber
if your posts are fixed and reasonably smooth, try soaking a long piece of non fluffy material in turps,
loop it over the post and pull it back and forward this will generate heat and rub off the sticky oil.

16th October 2007, 06:53 PM
sorry re my previous post, this wont work on sqare posts:doh:
just rub hard with turps
if these posts are going outside, try brushing raw linseed on as hot as you can youll get much deeper penitration BE CAREFUL NOT TO GET TOO HOT, LINSEED HAS A LOW FLASHPOINT
use a natural bristle brush a synthetic one will melt
keep brushing on hot oil till the timber wont take anymore
this is how beams in mediaval churches were prepared
but there was no OHS then:o
more than a few peasants got boiled in oil i assume

16th October 2007, 07:00 PM
As to 'why', the BLO may have gone off in the bottle. How old is it?