View Full Version : Weather

18th October 2003, 02:49 PM
Under the nothing to do with woodwork heading I would like to put a question to a forum that has nothing to do with weather forecasting.

What causes barometric highs and lows?
Is it a small heap of cold dense air descending or warm air rising to make a bigger heap thus weighing more?

This should generate some sober discourses from the wood butchering meteorologists and an entertaining bunch of digressions for which the forum seems to be renowned.


18th October 2003, 10:48 PM
Who cares.:(
All I know is if I go outside and get wet it's raining and if I stay dry it's not.
That's all that matters to me:D :D :D

Robert WA
19th October 2003, 01:28 AM
I subscribe to the length of string method of weather forecasting.

Suspend a length of string from anything horizontal in the garden.
Check it every day.

If it is wet, it is raining.
If it is dry, it is sunny.
If it is horizontal, it is windy.
If it is vertical, it is a still day.
If it has gone, the neighbours kids have pinched it.

19th October 2003, 11:52 AM
Must live in a bad neighbourhood

Kev Y.
19th October 2003, 02:51 PM
Cold dense air is what I used to cop heaps of( the the ex) along wth THE LOOKS .... now all I get is lots of hot air from the same source!!!!!



19th October 2003, 11:50 PM
Whether the weather is wet or dry, I believe whether the barometer is high or low depends on whether the person who knocked in the nail it hangs off was short or tall.:confused:

Little Festo
20th October 2003, 09:55 AM

20th October 2003, 07:15 PM
can i phone a friend?