View Full Version : Builders Pole for Underground Power

11th October 2007, 09:40 PM
When connecting temporary power from an underground supply at the property boundary (acreage block but no more than 50m to the building site), can anyone advise if the builders pole the same type as for overhead power?

I can ask the electrician who connects when I am ready to start, but am planning ahead and need to decide whether to hire or buy a builders pole. I estimate I will need the temporary supply for 5-6 months.

11th October 2007, 10:01 PM
do a google search for the Service and Installation Rules [SIRS] for your state. SIrs is the victorian name for it, but it may be described as Supply Authority Regulations, or something similar. I know the vic ones are available for free as pdfs, and they contain a lot of info of what to do for between the street and the meterboard.

12th October 2007, 06:55 AM
Underground poles are shorter, and will have a conduit and protection running down rather then up.
