View Full Version : river rocks for dry river beds
11th October 2007, 08:31 PM
I have an easement in the back yard that has only flooded once in the last 20 years and at the moment the last owner has filled it with bricks and tiles and crap.
I want to...
lay about 6 parralell ag pipes down, cover with blue metal, the cover with river pebbles. not the white ones but the brown, grey ones. Different sizes (40-200mm about 5m3 should do it)
Sound ok?
Where do I get the bloody things from.
no landscaper can help me unless I want 20 kg bags or those ornamental ones.
I know plenty of places where I could 'Pick them up for nothing' but is it illegal to remove rocks from a river system. A freind has a river through his property....
is it worth putting the ag pipe down?
Planned LScape
11th October 2007, 08:51 PM
Where is Muswellbrook mate?
Down here in Melb most of the bigger landscape supplies have a variety of river pebbles/rocks. The browns, whites, greys's, also ice white and creams too. They have it by bulk out in the yard, and have the polished and smaller pebbles bagged inside the building.
You're looking at around $90/m for the 20-75mm sizes, $60/m for 14-25mm size, or $140-150/m for the 75-150mm size. Of course, prices could be different close to you, depends where they get it from
Ag pipe would be a good idea- you solve drainage problem while making the area look good too
11th October 2007, 08:56 PM
Sydney is the same as ^ melb. Most large landscape suppliers and sand blue metal etc suppliers also have supplies.
Forget the bagged, waaaaaaaay to expensive compared to bulk.
LOL, my ute so hates it when I back up under a front end loader, it just knows it's got work to do :-)
you could try looking through this list & see if there is anyone up your way
11th October 2007, 09:04 PM
Maybe you could try a quarry not sure if there are any around Muswellbrook. But what about some overburden from one of the mines around there or look for someone that supplies the rocks they use to put in the top of septic transpiration trenches, these usually vary in the sizes of what you require.
Perhaps ask the RTA where they get that type of thing for roads.
11th October 2007, 09:08 PM
Just had a chat with a mate that works for the Cachment Management Authority, he lives over the road when he is not at my place bludging stuff! He has no idea but will ask at work tomorrow at work, yep we are in Mus and will be watching you:D!
11th October 2007, 10:05 PM
got mates in glouster and paterson... so rocks cost transport.
Muswellbrook is in the Hunter Valley. (NSW)
I tried Aust Nat Land and they cant get them...
I am after round pebble type rock, not just rocks...
thanks guys I will ask around in Newcastle
11th October 2007, 11:44 PM
5 cube is probably a bit much to load by hand into a box trailer:rolleyes:, so you need to purchase and have delivered!
Ring Robert Brailey at Boral Concrete in Scone, if he can't help he will probably be able to put you onto someone who can! There are 2 suppliers of quarry products in Aberdeen and another couple in Denman. I will not promote the Aberdeen supliers :~, and have not dealt with the Denman ones.
13th October 2007, 08:51 AM
Sound ok?
Where do I get the bloody things from.
no landscaper can help me unless I want 20 kg bags or those ornamental ones.
I know plenty of places where I could 'Pick them up for nothing' but is it illegal to remove rocks from a river system. A freind has a river through his property....
is it worth putting the ag pipe down?
this is what you get for living out in the middle of no where :)
5m3 = about 10 6x4 trailer loads.
yes, put the ag pipe down,makes it easier for the water to flow.
I would be putting some weedmat (woven, not the plastic) over the ag pipe.
I would only use blue metel (14mm or 20mm) over them to cut down on the costs a bit (pebbles are about $70m3, blue metel about $48m3)
26th October 2007, 11:13 AM
finally had a reply about the legality of getting some stones from river bed and yes it is illegal.
Don't think I would use the ag-pipe as the stones will eventually crush it and take longer to settle.
Planned LScape
26th October 2007, 08:11 PM
If you put in pvc slotted pipe and cover it with screenings it will aid in drainage as well as protecting the pipe
David L
26th October 2007, 08:36 PM
Depends on where it is and what your use of the area. I have one about three parts down my block. As it runs across our lawn we dug it out years ago and built a box culvert and covered it with soil, no one knows it is there except in a dry time we get a brown strip across the lawn.
Mine is about 1mtr wide and two besser blocks high because it does carry a fair bit of water sometimes. Perhaps you could do similar just by laying besser blocks on their side edge to edge to form a pipe. Probably no dearer than the stones. Just a suggestion.