View Full Version : Tank base query
10th October 2007, 01:29 AM
Hi All,
reading through various threads has pointed me in the direction of having a retaining wall (pine sleepers) and sitting a 3000lt water tank on sand.
Rather than have say up to 500mm of sand larger than the tank base,then the retaining wall,could I put the tank on the sand base say with a metre all around larger than the tank base.I ask this as I am not sure if weight distribution by having a larger volume of sand would come into effect when the tank became full.
Great forum :).
Thank you
10th October 2007, 09:26 AM
The sand base needs to be a minimum of a bit larger than the tank base and can be as large as you like.
The biggest problem is to make sure it can not wash the sand away from under the tank edges.
10th October 2007, 12:17 PM
also don't forget that local cats think that any sand has been supplied for them to use as a toilet so will enjoy digging in it and scattering it around :o
10th October 2007, 01:06 PM
I'm assuming you intend using a pump which is good, but if not, then some height will be needed to allow gravity to give some pressure. My tanks are raised a metre to satisfy this.
10th October 2007, 05:54 PM
Sorry about this highjack, but I have to say that I am relieved to see Masoth posting. There was a rumour passing around recently that he might no longer be with us. Happily, it seems that it was greatly exaggerated:)
10th October 2007, 08:44 PM
Thank you all for the replies.:)
The biggest problem is to make sure it can not wash the sand away from under the tank edges.
I intend to sit the tank on the sand then put some white stones or similar on any exposed sand up too the top of the retaining wall,about 75mm in depth.
Thank you
21st October 2007, 09:25 PM
I've been advised to use crusher dust for my base. I think the key is like you said to build it up around the tank a little and dress the sand/whatever with some stones to look nice and dissuade those pesky cats.
22nd October 2007, 08:18 PM
Yep crusher dust was the prefered product we were told to use when we put our tank in. It packs down really well once its settled.