View Full Version : Strange finishing request

9th October 2007, 09:49 AM
I need a finish for ironbark that is reasonably resistant to oil and grease, hot water and possibly petrol.

I play with historic engines and am building a transporter for one in large lumps of ironbark. They invariably leak oil and get grease everywhere, emptying hoppers gets hot water on them and while I try not to spill petrol when I'm filling the fuel tank, it happens.

The ironbark has a lovely colour and grain and I would like to preserve it the best I can.

Suggestions please.


9th October 2007, 02:16 PM
We have used water based polyurothane on ironbark quite a bit and it seems pretty resilient.


9th October 2007, 02:43 PM
Ordinary old polyurethane might be the best fit for the job

Its tough and durable, oil won't affect it.

I don't think other finishes will work

If you scratch or chip it you're gunna hafta learn to use a small touchup brush