View Full Version : Wall Oven placement

7th October 2007, 09:46 PM
Might well be miles off course here with this question but I have heard it said that there is no such thing as a stupid question........

Is there any reason, practical/legal/asthetic/common sense why you cannot put a wall oven into a cabinet oven type cabinet ie between knee and hip height and under a gas cook top?

8th October 2007, 07:08 AM
No reason at all.

It is done all the time.


Geoff Dean
8th October 2007, 07:57 AM
MIL had two ovens put in when they did the kitchen reno and extension.

One at normal height in wall and other under the 6 burner gas cooktop.:2tsup:

I now prefer to cook in her kitchen than mine.

8th October 2007, 09:24 AM
There are different designs around. An oven specifically described as a wall oven probably shouldn't be mounted under bench. Those ovens usually have different venting requirements to an underbench oven. An underbench oven on the other hand may be installed as a wall oven without problem