View Full Version : Asking for someone to produce a piece of work - acceptable?

7th October 2007, 03:09 PM
Hi all,

I've joined these forums to try learn as much as I can before I start building a cabinet and hood for a 6' x 2' x 2' fishtank mid-late next year. I'll be finished Uni by then, and hope to have a woodworking shed set up so I can start learning/building.

However, in the meantime, I need a hood made for my existing 4' x 2' x 2' tank. I was wondering if it would be considered acceptable for me to try find someone to do this on these forums - I'd like to offer good money to someone who cares about their work and perhaps who would like to take the job on as part of their hobby rather than as part of a business.

If such questions are not allowed, I will respect this, but that's why I'm asking here first! :)


Wood Butcher
7th October 2007, 03:27 PM
You are most welcome to ask. Create a thread in the General Wooodwork Section and see how you go!

BTW, Welcome and good luck with Uni! (I know how it feels)

7th October 2007, 03:51 PM
Thanks - I didn't see any other posts asking similar questions, and although I didn't find against against it in the rules, wanted to be really sure!

I'm doing a Masters of Network and System Administration at the moment - woodworking will be my creative outlet! :)

7th October 2007, 06:48 PM
Mate, if you have basic skills, and don't want something too out of the ordinary, you could quite possibly do it yourself. I at one stage came across free fish tank stand and hood plans on the net - maybe do a google.

Best of luck!