View Full Version : Mezzanine Floor ??

1st October 2007, 11:44 PM
Hi Guys ,
I am interested in building a Mezzanine floor in my shed and i was wondering if anyone else here has done it ? and Does anyone know what regulations there are in victoria in relation to putting in a mezzanine floor ? Any advice or info is appreciated .

Cheers Plushy

2nd October 2007, 12:44 AM
I don't know about reg's, but it depends on what you intend to do with the space. If it's just for storing stuff, then it only needs to support the weight of what you intend to put up there, and of course the weight of you putting it up there. But if you have the height and the room and intend it to be a place where people congregate, then it would most likely need to pass some sort of regulation/permit.

I did one in my last shed, but it was basically a 6.0M x 1.2M shelf, 1.5M off the ground. I ran a length of 75mm x 50mm RHS across the width of the shed, sitting on a timber post either side. I welded some 20mm x 20mm RHS x 250mm legs every 500mm and attached to these another length of 20 x 20 along the length, ending in a downward diagonal either end to triangulate. Across the back wall were two more lengths of 75 x 50 but these were only 3.0M long as I had a centre post at the back of the shed. These became my bearers, with joists spanning the two and 25mm thick chipboard for the shelf itself. Took my weight and everything I put up there, and the bonus being it was over my bench so I mounted a couple of lights and screwed the lids of a dozen or so jars for small quantities of screws and nails within easy reach.

Hope this helps.