View Full Version : Landscaper Designers - can I just pay for a design and DIY?

30th September 2007, 08:47 AM
Just wondering if it's possible to get a Landscape Designer out to come up with a design for our half acre of onion weed (!) and then slowly work towards doing it ourselves?

Not sure if you have to "contract" a Landscape Designer to do the whole job.

Any recommendations for someone in SE Melb (Dandenong Ranges)?

Just A Chick

Planned LScape
30th September 2007, 10:25 AM
Yes, thats no worries

You can only ask to get a plan done only, the works is a separate issue, although some designs I have done I have been asked to give a quote for the project to be constructed as well.

It depends on what extent you want the plan done to- Landscape Architects will generally do concept plans, drafts, then final plans and separate planting and constructions plans, if this is what you want it will be very detailed but you will also pay well over $1000 for it. Or, you can get a simple but detailed plan drawn up with your ideas in mind for well under half that.

30th September 2007, 12:18 PM
Thanks Planned LScape. I'll organise some quotes (: