View Full Version : Advice on Ag Pipe
26th September 2007, 07:30 PM
Hi Im currently installing an inground pool , I have a trench around one side where i have just had the sewer pipe redirected and also i have conduit pipe for the electricity
My question is can i use this same trench to install my ag pipe, I have no other room between the edge of the pool and the fence line can i just fill the sewer pipe and conduit with blue metal and put my ag pipe on top....
30th September 2007, 11:01 AM
Hi Im currently installing an inground pool , I have a trench around one side where i have just had the sewer pipe redirected and also i have conduit pipe for the electricity
My question is can i use this same trench to install my ag pipe, I have no other room between the edge of the pool and the fence line can i just fill the sewer pipe and conduit with blue metal and put my ag pipe on top....
Doubt having a power and aggi would be allowed, but the aggi pipe wont do much as most of any water going into the trench will go down past the aggi pipe...
30th September 2007, 12:11 PM
Doubt having a power and aggi would be allowed, but the aggi pipe wont do much as most of any water going into the trench will go down past the aggi pipe...Agg pipe is full of holes, and it's just a back up that will still permit water flow when the blue metal is full of silt. It's supposed to be encased in aggregate, but if one area silts up, then the pipe starts dong its job. Until then it serves no useful purpose.
I don't see what's wrong with putting it in the same trench either. Sewer and electrical conduit are supposed to be able to be buried in ground that gets wet.
28th October 2007, 10:27 AM
What it says in the code is that no potential safety hazard is created. Think about the future plumber digging down to find the ag line. He puts his shovel through the conduit thats right next to the ag line and gets killed because he has his hand on the metal part of the shovel.
This is first hand experience. I somehow got thrown across a backyard by the jolt and it was a conduit buried right next to a sewer pipe.
28th October 2007, 06:13 PM
You need a minimum of 100mm clearance around either service,ie; you cant have electricity or ag or any other storm water or telecom or gas etc within 100mm of sewer and vice versa.