View Full Version : Continuous guttering?

25th September 2007, 06:52 PM
Hello all
Our brick and tile house needs reguttering. Has anyone had anything to do with continuous guttering at all? Our house is 25 metresx15metres and a perfect oblong shape, so I thought rather than have lengths of gutter joined ,continuous would be the way to go. Looking in the yellow pages I see it's avaiable in aluminium, is it also available in zincalume? The present down pipes are zincalume(and OK) so if the new guttering was aluminium and joined to the zincalume downpipes would that be a drama?



26th September 2007, 06:33 AM
Personally I would go with getting seperate lenghts of 8.5m made up to allow for laps and external angles etc. Just bare in mind that guttering, like everything else expands, so one continuous length 25m long, if it was fixed incorrectly would simply buckle and turn to shyte!. External brackets are the way to go and stick with colourbond/zincalume.

26th September 2007, 08:35 PM
I got external brackets for our garage gutters, because they are easier to clean out. I am not into fitting leaf barriers. Just personal choice.

27th September 2007, 12:19 AM
You were wondering if aluminium and zinc coated steel formed a galvanic reaction? pretty sure that combination would be fine. Its copper and zinc anneal that must not go together - copper pipe to a rainwater tank for example.

1st October 2007, 11:09 PM
I have had aluminium continius gutter for 15 years, it lasts fine, still perfect

but is too small for the water flow in Sydney and has internal brackets which catch all leaves etc causing it to overflow even with too regular maintance ( most time it rains)

I had part replaced with the largest zincalume gutter I could find for residential, and will retro fit remaining with this system when time permits.:D ( yes it also has internal brackets but the amount of room in the bigger section does not catch the first leaf to arrive