View Full Version : Barry was bragging

24th September 2007, 02:14 PM
Barry was bragging to Allan one day saying "I jump in my car when I wake up in the morning and I drive to the end of my drive to get the mail from the mail box, when I return from doing that, its nearly time for supper"
"Yeah" said Allan, I had a car like that once"

Allan at Wallan
24th September 2007, 02:54 PM
Barry was bragging to Allan one day saying "I jump in my car when I wake up in the morning and I drive to the end of my drive to get the mail from the mail box, when I return from doing that, its nearly time for supper"
"Yeah" said Allan, I had a car like that once"

Still have it John.:D



I am not at all worried about dying
... but just hope I am not there at the time.