View Full Version : Pool Deck - Timber: Treated Pine or H'Wood

23rd September 2007, 11:46 PM

I am building a deck around an above ground pool and need some advise as to the timber to use.

Treated Pine or Hardwood ???

I have used (600*100) Cyclone Stirup at 1500 centers (striup holes were 300 * 600 ).

I will be using:
Posts = 100*100
Bearers = 200*45
Joists= 200* 45

Joist will be secured with joist hangers - with the decking layed on joist and bearers.

So would Treated Pine be ok to this structure ?? Hoping so as it will be much easier for me to handle than the Hardwood option?


24th September 2007, 07:44 AM
I hope so, Because Im currently constucting a deck around my pool using treated pine for the frame.

24th September 2007, 06:24 PM
I have no idea on above ground pools and what the sides are made of... 'steel outer skin?'
If so, keep the treated pine away from any...
"Green timber or timber treated with copper chromium arsenic (CCA) should not come into direct contact with galvanized steel, ZINCALUME® steel or COLORBOND® steel because acidic substances from these timbers have a corrosive effect on the metallic coating. The time of wetness of the metal surface is a factor in the overall corrosion mechanism (the longer the product is wet, the greater the corrosion).

Even run off from CCA treated timber can contain corrosive leachate which will cause corrosion if it contacts galvanized steel, ZINCALUME® steel or COLORBOND® steel."
from Bluescope steel site

24th September 2007, 06:58 PM
Interesting article there. I am using metal posts for my deck and H3 treated pine for my bearers and joists. from the more detailed PDF (CTB-13.pdf) that that section you linked to it sounds like if you paint the wood then they should be fine - something I was thinking of doing to extend their life anywa - at the joins anyways. So in terms of whether you should or shouldn't use cca treated pine I still would but be aware that it needs more prep, but is sooooo much easier to work with, and its cheaper than a lot of hardwoods.

24th September 2007, 09:59 PM
Ever considered a composite deck like a mod wood or ino wood decks come coloured no need to paint.