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23rd September 2007, 06:40 AM
I was wondering whether there is any way for a user to put in a standing search in new posts for their own name or user name.

This way if somone says "Jeremy (jmk89) knows something about this" or something like that, I can find out quickly about it and provide an answer rather than relying on the "hit and miss" of looking through all the posts (because sometimes I don't read them all!!!:D

Honorary Bloke
23rd September 2007, 07:55 AM
This way if someone says "Jeremy (jmk89) knows something about this" or something like that, I can find out quickly about it and provide an answer

Oh, Jeremy, I think this scenario is most unlikely. :rolleyes::D

But a good question. :)

Wood Butcher
23rd September 2007, 08:00 AM
To the best of my knowledge no.

23rd September 2007, 09:13 AM
Click on a persons name above the avatar and select "Find more posts by ..." They are in date order.

of find the person in the members list, click on their name and select "find all posts by....."