View Full Version : Removing a Granite Benchtop

22nd September 2007, 09:41 PM
Hi :)
We are in the process of renovating a kitchen and have just purchased an in situ kitchen that has to be removed. It has a approx 35mm thick granite top which is in 3 sections. The sections appear to be glued together with some sort of epoxy. I am led to believe that there is a solvent that is used in the industry to soften the joints and then the joints are gouged out with a knife.

Not having done this before I am look for advice please :?.

Master Splinter
22nd September 2007, 10:28 PM
Just hire a wet saw or grinder and cut through (wet saw will give you a neater cut line); you don't really want to use the sort of solvents that work on epoxy (concentrated nitric acid) or you could try softening it with a heat gun (but the granite might suck too much heat out for it to work, you have to get it to about 150+ degrees to weaken the epoxy)

23rd September 2007, 07:52 AM
Well I think you might be buggered. The granite will probably be bedded into many dollops of silicone or other adhesive on a substrate of mdf or particle board (or perhaps the kitchen itself). If it's on a substrate, you can unscrew that from the kitchen at least, but the joins in that may not coincide with the joins in the granite either so you'll have to cut it too.


25th September 2007, 07:28 AM
Hi and welcome to the forum! I think you will have a lot of trouble getting the granite off but it is always worth the Ole College Try - I have a good mate who is in the business and calling him might help. His name is Dave and his number is 0404 287 549. He is an importer of benchtops, (but in Melbourne so no help in that way for you) - he may be able to offer some insights into what to do. The only thing I can think of is a grout saw to get the joint open, but I have never tried it. Finally, if as mentioned, the solvents are acid based, don't use them - they will stain your granite.

BTW I went to an importer of granite last week and they showed me a liquid product that they reckon will last ten years, but very few people use it as it is $82 compared with $18 for the regular stuff that lasts 3 months. They showed me their test pieces, stained with sauce, ink and so on - great results....if I can find the name of the stuff I will post it for future reference.

have fun!