View Full Version : How high can I build a retaining wall before
19th September 2007, 03:58 PM
How high can I build a retaining wall before I need council approvall
I plan to build one 500 mm high and 7 metres long out of treated pine
200 x 72 mm trreated pine with 175 x 75 mm posts in the ground
19th September 2007, 04:00 PM
That's probably a question for your council.
FWIW I seem to have a maximum height of 1 metre in the back of my mind, not sure if it's correct though.
Give them a ring. But I think you'll be OK.
19th September 2007, 04:12 PM
I checked a fwe weeks back in my area. Melbourne vic..South East suburbs (Not sure if that matterS)
It was 1 meter.
19th September 2007, 04:13 PM
Yeah that seems to be about right silent. I did some retaining work on some properties I had in Sydney and I am sure thats what it is.
But if you need to go higher you can tier the retaining levels without council approval.just have to keep each tier under the required height.
19th September 2007, 04:19 PM
Scone Shire Council-600mm
Muswellbrook Shire Council-900mm
These 2 shires are nextdoor to each other!
Don't assume anything and speak to your local council regarding compliance.
Planned LScape
19th September 2007, 11:23 PM
Most councils are high than 1m, but there are also considerations for retaining walls positioned right on property boundaries
20th September 2007, 02:43 AM
Willoughby City Council (Sydney Nth Shore) 300mm :o:o:o:o without a DA, fees etc., even if just replacing an existing wall that's fallen down.
There have been some recent decisions made by the NSW courts about Councils making unreasonable impositions in private landholders - the Councils lost both the case & costs in the latest one.