View Full Version : Painting tight angle

17th September 2007, 02:05 PM
I've tried to search this with no luck.
Just about to paint our new room and wondering if there are any tips for painting a tight angle (less than 90 degrees) between the wall and ceiling. I can get in, just, with a small brush but wondering if there are any special gadgets out there.
Lucky my spelling is okay, I'm sure there is nothing harder than painting a tight angel!!!

20th September 2007, 12:29 PM
If you have no cornices in this corner you could use an paint edger. Not sure on it's technical name, but they are those rectangular flat doosey ma thingies with two wheels on top and the paint goes on the material side - all hardwares/paint sores have them. They are only a coupla bucks. You can then screw a standard painters stick into alot of them, and inturn, lengthening your reach to get into those hard to reach places.

20th September 2007, 06:11 PM
How about spraying it?