View Full Version : concrete around pool

16th September 2007, 11:31 PM
building a pool and the builder has sugested to lay
a larger tile around pool (32 mpa concrete)
new concrete is 200mm wide X 150mm high 22 metres long
how many metres of concrete is needed??
any idea how much should it cost for this new concrete??
they have sugested $2200 including steel reinforcement

Thank you

17th September 2007, 09:44 PM
building a pool and the builder has sugested to lay
a larger tile around pool (32 mpa concrete)
new concrete is 200mm wide X 150mm high 22 metres long
how many metres of concrete is needed??
any idea how much should it cost for this new concrete??
they have sugested $2200 including steel reinforcement

Thank you

Depending on where you live, but around here (Melbourne outer eastern suburbs)

.2 x .15 x 22 = 6.6 m3 of concrete at about $170 per m3 = $1122
4 lengths of F11 4bar, about $30 per length = $120
So about $1240 for materials, so the $2200 for doing the job (including materals) sounds about right
or are they telling you that $2200 is for just the concrete & reo ?

17th September 2007, 10:53 PM
Hi Terian
they are building the pool
so they are only adding the extra edge of concrete
whilst laying rest of pool
steel is just going to be made longer to
cover extra length
lying tile has already been costed
with pool instalation
any idea how many linear metres
it is
I can not work it out
they have been working in lenear metres for pool
I live in SE Inner suburbs Melbourne

thank you

20th September 2007, 09:28 PM
Hi Terian
they are building the pool
so they are only adding the extra edge of concrete
whilst laying rest of pool

OK, so the labour is included, then their $2200 is about right.

steel is just going to be made longer to cover extra length

OK, so the pool and the surround is one piece, thats fine (good actually)

ying tile has already been costed with pool instalation
any idea how many linear metres it is
I can not work it out they have been working in lenear metres for pool
I live in SE Inner suburbs Melbourne
thank you
linear meters is just the length, you can't convert m2 or m3 to linear too easily, for the tiles, if they are the same width as the concrete, then it would be 22 linear meters, if they are 1/2 the width, it would be 44 linear meters and so on

(if I have screwed that up, someone will come along and correct me :-) )

20th September 2007, 10:04 PM
Thanks Terrian
I rang Boral before I posted here and
I gave them above measurements for
concrete and I was told I the cost for
concrete was $400 only she maust have
made a mistake on calculation

30th September 2007, 10:55 AM
Thanks Terrian
I rang Boral before I posted here and
I gave them above measurements for
concrete and I was told I the cost for
concrete was $400 only she maust have
made a mistake on calculation

yep (or I have, one or the other :-)