View Full Version : slab laying trolley

16th September 2007, 04:23 PM
Hei Folks,
Back when I was about 13 or 14 (getting on 25 years ago) I helped lay some 600x600 slabs at a local church, and someone had a slab laying trolley they borrowed from a local council.

The way this trolley worked was that you lay the slab flat on the ground, and using the trolley you could pick up the slab and wheel it in to exact position.

Given that slabs aren't used these days, these trolleys are now obsolete but we need to lay some slabs to match some existing paving.

Does anyone know where in Perth I might borrow or hire such a beast, or even a plan for one - I've tried google and the hire shops to no avail.

16th September 2007, 06:46 PM
gee i havent seen one of them for 25+ yrs, like you.
maybe look for a local cement slab maker (although they seem to have all gone now & only large multi product cement works remain)
only thing i could find close is (defeats the purpose though, you need 2 people & a strong back)

lol, i sometimes think, did i 'dream' that or did such & such really exist/happen...

i'll be watching the thread for replies

16th September 2007, 09:27 PM
That one would probably work if you mounted one end on a trolley of some kind.
I've got a vague idea of what it looks like so I'm tempted to try and make one - just make up the lifting jaws and base it on one of those $25 bunnings trolleys.