View Full Version : Oil finish to deck

10th September 2001, 11:29 PM
I'm wanting an "oiled" finish to an african rosewood floor/deck I'm doing as the oiled finish has a beautiful deep lustre (the floor extends outdoors at the same level, therefore same finish required inside as outside). I don't want varnish (re-sanding inside is not an option).

Help - what oil should I use (and application / number of coats, how often, etc) that will give me the longest possible maintenance free period - I know that it will be a high maintenance finish, but would still like to have to do it as seldom as possible.


Shane Watson
11th September 2001, 08:26 AM
High maintenance is the word. http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/wink.gif I have an oiled deck on the back of my ute and I have to re-oil every 2-3months. Actually it needs doing again!! grrrr http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/mad.gif
I just used a decking oil from local paint store. Nothing too fancy and I have no idea what it is made up off. I applied about three coats initially and that looked fine for the first month http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/wink.gif It might pay to contact a local floor finisher and talk to them about what they recommend in terms of an oil finish. They will most likly have the best advice, afterall thats there income.

Shane Watson..

Combine Love & Skill & You Can Expect A Masterpiece!

11th September 2001, 09:22 AM
Organoil (http://www.organoil.com.au/) have a decking oil that is supposed to be pretty good.

Rod Smith
11th September 2001, 01:20 PM
G'day M
African Rosewood for a deck, that would ave been lookshurry to oos!
No expert opinion from me. Just wanted to say that it sounds like the wood may be undercover, the sun (uv) is the killer on all clear finishes to my knowledge.

11th September 2001, 09:48 PM
In reply to Shaun

I'm in South Africa and none of the ZA guys use oil (they all do varnish) - and none seem to know anything worthwhile (most of our building is in brick / concrete so it should not come as too great a surprise).

I've only had two suggestions that seem worth pursuing (so far):-
1. Use boiled linseed oil; and
2. Use a polymerised tung oil.

Any suggestions / comments?
All help much appreciated.
Mike b

13th September 2001, 07:12 PM
In reply to ubeaut
I contacted Organoil - but they don't have ZA agents.
help please!

Shane Watson
13th September 2001, 07:44 PM
MB, heres some links I have found that may lead somewhere for you.




The first two appear to be UK web sites, so that should be closer to home for you & may lead to an easier source for you.


Shane Watson..

Combine Love & Skill & You Can Expect A Masterpiece!

17th September 2001, 07:31 PM
Will have a look.