View Full Version : Fencing & Retaining options

12th September 2007, 03:45 PM
I've been in my newly built house for about 3 months and want to get started on my backyard.
The house is on a corner block and so access to the back is not much of an issue but...
One side of the house I want to concrete, it's about 3.5 metres wide and a good 5-6m long. This area is behind the drive-thru garage and also the laundry door opens onto it. This area will be used as a service area only and will be screened off from the main entertaining area.

The Problem
Access to the side I want to concrete is via the rear of the house. Not much of a problem while there is no grass or landscaping but when the grass goes down I dont want to drive a concrete truck over it.

The neighbours are in the middle of construction and the building company has cyclone fencing up all around. i want to concrete up to the fence/retaining wall but as I cant put the fence or retianing wall up I cant concrete. I want a fence on top of a retaining wall
So there's my dilema.

I'm looking for some way to concrete up to the boundry now and fence/retain later when next door is ready to put a fence up.

Planned LScape
12th September 2007, 09:03 PM
You might have to get a concrete pump truck, you can get smaller ones which run a line pump in a series of hoses, rather than the ones on a crane. Might be a few $100 minimum hire, but could save you a lot of effort and barrow work too. This way you can get your concrete delivered out on the road and get it pumped through

13th September 2007, 10:57 AM
Could you get away with cement mixer and do it bit by bit...
Concrete pump truck is a great idea, They use them alot here in docklands to get the concrete on high levels of buildings and areas where the truck has to sit outside...They can run for meters with no trouble.

If you can get the tuck in now, why dont you get the concrete done first before the grass goes down?

Speak to your neighbours/builders next door and just ask them if they can pull the fence down for a few hours to get the truck round, Most of those blokes are real nice/easy going and wouldnt mind.

13th September 2007, 03:50 PM
Thanks for the help guys,

I've thought of the pump but from what I understand they'd cost about $500 so I'm looking for a way around it.
It's too big a job for a mixer. 4.5m3
The idea is to get the truck in now before the grass, but because I wanted to concrete upto the retaining wall/fence and the fence wont go up till the house next door is finished...about 4 months away