View Full Version : Legs Akimbo

12th September 2007, 08:50 AM
G'day All,
This is last weeks project.
We rescued a pile of chair legs and scrap wood (which turned out to be Tassie Oak) and herself requested a fence project.
She arranged the legs in order (to represent an abacus) and I framed up the Tassie Oak and mounted the legs in the chosen order.
Nothing fancy........drilled 6mm hole through frame and leg base.....hex head timber screws.......head recessed and plugged with 19mm dowell.
Finished the frame with coffee stain, and when the weather settles, we'll finish it with some suitable exterior finish.
Couldn't reduce the photo enough hence the link.
Life is fun here.

12th September 2007, 09:13 AM
Hi Watson,

I bet that was one fun project, both in deciding which leg got to go where and building it.:)

what a brilliant idea! :2tsup:


Andy Mac
12th September 2007, 09:22 AM
Hi watson,
I reckon that's a cracker...imaginative and fun, so well done!:2tsup:
Reminds me a bit of Loiuse Nevelson's work, who assembled wooden parts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Nevelson


Bleedin Thumb
12th September 2007, 12:14 PM
Watson, thats a beauty! I may have to pinch that idea. If next council clean up you see some scruff sawing legs of discarded chairs stop and say hello!

12th September 2007, 11:59 PM
Thanks All,
Andy I should have included the two clamps I made as per your design, with mods to make them go both ways. A boon to my workshop. TA!
And BT, I'll be the other scruff sawing away on the other side of the road.
I can't beleive that these things were destined for a bonfire,

Bleedin Thumb
13th September 2007, 10:44 AM
Glad I'm not the only leg man around here!