View Full Version : Old fence painting

11th September 2007, 01:50 PM
Howdy guys,

Quick one - I have an old old old 3 rail treated pine fence, I want give her a bit of a spruce up - will I have to paint both sides or not, people have been telling me I risk warping but my rationale is that it would have done all its warping long ago

Thanks for your help

11th September 2007, 03:05 PM
If you don't paint both sides, it WILL warp.

No debate, it WILL happen.



11th September 2007, 03:47 PM
Get a bit of old sump oil from your local garage. It'll cost you nothing and it won't actually seal the surface totally so there'll be less chance of warping. :wink:

edit: I built a TP fence here 4 years ago. I only used two rails to save time and $. I painted my side only with thin cheap green fence paint. No warping yet:

http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y266/holgerdanske/th_P8180002.jpg (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y266/holgerdanske/P8180002.jpg) http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y266/holgerdanske/th_P8180001.jpg (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y266/holgerdanske/P8180001.jpg)

11th September 2007, 05:32 PM
As John says the good old sump oil trick and if you want it coloured get some cement oxide powder to put in it, available in various colours.

12th September 2007, 01:36 PM
Thanks Gents,

It is much appreciated


13th September 2007, 12:18 AM
and thanks Tom! :wink:

Pawnhead, Barry, if you go back to the question, tcns originally said he wanted to "spruce up" the fence, not give it a coat of old sump oil or half watered down cordial and make it look like a pack of poo tickets! :D

It doesn't matter what the circumstance, if you are going to give it a proper coat of paint to one side only, some of it WILL warp. If you are just going to stain it with something that will let the moisture through, well with elcheapo treated pine, it'll probably still warp a bit anyway, but not as much.

Remember this when you next put weatherboards or chamferboards on a house, and prime the backs of them before installing!

