View Full Version : Forum update - comments here please

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10th September 2007, 08:00 PM
Very soon (no specific timing available) there will be some significant updates done to the forums. Please put any comments of issues in this thread. Any placed anywhere else will be moved without notice.

Details of the updates will not be given beforehand (I don't have them :wink: ), but there should be some things in Uncle Neil's bag for most of us. :)

11th September 2007, 10:09 AM
I would appreciate it if in the "New Post" and "Todays Post" result screens the Forum column is shown first on the left side and then followed with the Thread/Tread starter column etc.

This would making the selection of posts from the forums that interest me easier.


11th September 2007, 08:31 PM
Is it just me or is any one else having the problem that some of the attached pictures and Avatars aren't showing up. All I am seeing is a place holder instead with a description of what it is in the place holder.

DJ’s Timber
11th September 2007, 08:37 PM
Not just you Bazza, same here as well

11th September 2007, 08:39 PM
What colour scheme are you guys using?

11th September 2007, 08:41 PM
UBeauts Colour Scheme

11th September 2007, 08:54 PM
That's what I'm using and no troubles

DJ’s Timber
11th September 2007, 08:58 PM
U-Beauts scheme

11th September 2007, 09:14 PM
Give us a couple of links to where there is missing stuff and we'll check it out. I haven't found any yet.

What search engines are you using?

Little more help would be appreciated so we can track it down.

DJ’s Timber
11th September 2007, 09:22 PM
Ok, in this thread (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=56073) Tonto and Pop's Avatars are coming up with a Red cross in a white box and the name "Tonto's Avatar" & "Pop's Avatar" using the www.woodworkfurums.com (http://www.woodworkfurums.com) address

11th September 2007, 09:34 PM
Thanks for the info DJ


DJ’s Timber
11th September 2007, 09:54 PM
Ok, here's another one, this is just one of them in this thread (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showpost.php?p=574497&postcount=52). The pictures are showing as attached thumbnails but not as the enlarged bit if I am signed in on the www.woodworkfurom.com (http://www.woodworkfurom.com) but if I sign in under the www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au) they show up

11th September 2007, 10:18 PM
I'm the same as DJ and I am using IE7.

11th September 2007, 10:28 PM
I'm seeing 4 big pics and 4 thumbs each which expand to biguns.

Tried it on both sites and with Firefox, Opera and IE comes up the same each time.

Try a hard refresh {ctrl-refresh} or {ctrl-shift-refresh}

11th September 2007, 10:31 PM
I have my tongue firmly planted in my cheek, and if it moves I'll clamp my teeth on it.
The Woodies Jokes Forum doesn't work on the ignore option.:C :C
Maybe we should send the participants "care" parcels of packs of wood, or joke books post 1965.
Gasp.....got that out without being nasty.

11th September 2007, 10:38 PM
The Woodies Jokes Forum doesn't work on the ignore option.:C :C
Maybe we should send the participants "care" parcels of packs of wood, or joke books post 1965.

Thats a great idea and i asked Groggy about it before and he said it wasnt possible. But i bet lots would love to be able to ignore threads, especially when using New Posts.
Is it possibe to ignore pen turners as well:rolleyes:

11th September 2007, 10:40 PM
It'd actually be really good to ignore entire forums, or select the forums to which one wants to "subscribe" when one clicks the new posts button.


11th September 2007, 10:46 PM
Thats a great idea and i asked Groggy about it before and he said it wasnt possible. But i bet lots would love to be able to ignore threads, especially when using New Posts.I have asked the question again in the admin room, maybe something in the new release is different - maybe.

Cliff Rogers
11th September 2007, 10:46 PM
If ya don't like it, don't read it..... buncha sooks. :rolleyes:

11th September 2007, 10:52 PM
I was talking to a bloke at Groggy's get together back in January, and he said that he opens browser tabs for the forums he's interested in and that seemed to work. Haven't tried it myself. But then I'm such a nosey bugger, I'd still want to check everything except Woodies Jokes.

11th September 2007, 10:57 PM
It'd actually be really good to ignore entire forums, or select the forums to which one wants to "subscribe" when one clicks the new posts button.


Hence my request for the forum name column to come first. Helps in eliminating looking at headings of posts I'm not interested in.


11th September 2007, 10:57 PM
If ya don't like it, don't read it..... buncha sooks. :rolleyes:Agreed. It's not that hard to scan what you're interested in on ispy. The only time it becomes a slight hassle is on Fridays sometimes. When you've finished reading a thread in a separate tab, then go back to ispy, half the page is full of Friday drivel and you sometimes have to check new posts for anything you've missed.

Still no big deal though. And I like the jokes forum. :p
Should have a funny photos thread, but I don't know if it would be appropriate here. :?

Wood Butcher
11th September 2007, 11:01 PM
Just to get back on track....

This thread is for reporting problems that may arise due to the upgrade of the forum software, not for your wish lists of wants.

Any further posts of this nature will be deleted!

11th September 2007, 11:06 PM
Thanks for that Rowan, but that's not what the heading says, which may be why the misdirection!

It says it's for comments and clarifications??



Skew ChiDAMN!!
11th September 2007, 11:17 PM
I've been having a problem, thought 'twas just me at first but someone else is having the same problem. http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?p=584983

I'm using tabbed browsing in Firefox, and I can see all thumbnails at the bottom of the page alright, but any attachments that're repositioned into the body text by using the "paperclip" icon in the editor are coming up as URLs. Clicking on 'em presents the "login screen" before it'll show the image. Afterwards, on the tab with the link the thumbnail will show correctly instead of the link. If I go to the same page through a fresh tab, I have the same problem all over again.

FWIW, I have clicked the "remember me" button on both my initial login and the login screens presented when accessing these links...

I haven't tried manually flushing my cache/cookies yet, but as they're s'posed to be auto-cleared every time I exit Firefox and it has happened during several browsing sessions... ?

11th September 2007, 11:44 PM
Work fine for me in Firefox and Opera but not in Mozilla the attachment seems to have been put in a bit funny I reckon redoing this will fix it as I did one in a test and it worked fine with Mozilla.

I haven't seen an attachment put in like this before [ATTACH 55308 /ATTACH] which is how it is in both your posts.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
12th September 2007, 12:00 AM
Work fine for me in Firefox and Opera but not in Mozilla the attachment seems to have been put in a bit funny I reckon redoing this will fix it as I did one in a test and it worked fine with Mozilla.

I haven't seen an attachment put in like this before [ATTACH 55308 /ATTACH] which is how it is in both your posts.


It's your end that's done it! :D

I've UL'd the attachments as per normal, then simply gone to the "paperclip icon" to embed it where I want it in the body text...

Normally I would type it in manually with the ... tags but I only just worked out the paperclip thingy. :-

Neil Ellis
12th September 2007, 03:40 PM
Is it working for you now Skew?

Skew ChiDAMN!!
12th September 2007, 04:13 PM
Nup. Still doing the same thing...

12th September 2007, 05:28 PM
hey Neil.

what are "issues"? ( view user profiles - project tools )


how do you make a blog?


13th September 2007, 12:05 AM
Issues - Relate to Project Tools a new addon to the forums which will help us track problems etc a little way down the road when we start in with using the wiki that is currently being installing for the forums. It will also help with finding bugs and other issues when an update is done. It currently isn't in use but a test can be found under Projects on the top Nav bar in some of the skins and hopefully in all by tomorrow.

Skew - Any change in what you see yet. I edited the posts this arvo and ended up with 2 pics in both. Is that what you can see. or do you have something else. If so what about a screen shot.

I have tried it in 5 different browsers and apart from a few minutes last night in Mozilla it was fin in all. Including Mozilla after I went back to it again.

Cheers - Neil :)

13th September 2007, 12:18 AM
Where are all these changes? IU haven't spotted anything yet..... maybe I need to take a womans look.

13th September 2007, 12:19 AM
Where are all these changes? IU haven't spotted anything yet..... maybe I need to take a womans look.Click here (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/blog.php) for blogs, not all the skins can see the links yet.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
13th September 2007, 12:24 AM
Skew - Any change in what you see yet. I edited the posts this arvo and ended up with 2 pics in both. Is that what you can see. or do you have something else. If so what about a screen shot.

It's coming up fine now, with a large image in the body text and the std. thumbnail at the bottom of the post. :2tsup:

Thanks, Neil.

Click here (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/blog.php) for blogs, not all the skins can see the links yet.

So, which ones can? It seems the "U-Beauts" skin doesn't.... unless I'm looking in the wrong spots? :?

13th September 2007, 12:31 AM
See FAQ's for more information on Project Tools and Blogs

13th September 2007, 12:39 AM
So, which ones can? It seems the "U-Beauts" skin doesn't.... unless I'm looking in the wrong spots? :?I am using BASIC at the moment, but it won't be long till the back room guys catch up. As you can imagine they are a little busy at the moment...:p

Skew ChiDAMN!!
13th September 2007, 01:07 AM
I am using BASIC at the moment, but it won't be long till the back room guys catch up. As you can imagine they are a little busy at the moment...:p

Ah... of course. The only one I hadn't tried. :doh: And they're so obvious there, too.

I'm sure the lads are working hard putting things in order. That's OK... we won't let 'em forget. :wink:

13th September 2007, 08:50 AM
Ah... of course. The only one I hadn't tried. :doh: And they're so obvious there, too.

I'm sure the lads are working hard putting things in order. That's OK... we won't let 'em forget. :wink:
As long as you don't throw a brick.:D

13th September 2007, 09:51 AM
So, which ones can? It seems the "U-Beauts" skin doesn't.... unless I'm looking in the wrong spots? :?

I'm using Ubeauts skin and it is in there OK.

joe greiner
13th September 2007, 01:56 PM
I got something similar to Skew's experience before the upgrade, I think (or maybe during). First time I've ever seen this IIRC. Showed a placeholder with ID, etc. & "Click image for larger version". When clicked, I got a new login screen with message "You are not logged in, etc." When logged in, all thumbnails became visible, and large versions opened normally.

Fine & dandy until a few minutes ago, when I got it again. Post was php?t=56260. I'm not too adept at manipulating screen shots, so not sure if this will be clear.

I'm using IE5 (still).


13th September 2007, 02:53 PM
Very soon (no specific timing available) there will be some significant updates done to the forums. Please put any comments of issues in this thread. Any placed anywhere else will be moved without notice.

Details of the updates will not be given beforehand (I don't have them :wink: ), but there should be some things in Uncle Neil's bag for most of us. :)

I think a serious bug has been introduced. I just tried several times to post a reply to a thread.

Each time, my post was rejected with an error message as follows: "The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters." The text I had entered was cleared (Grrr!) After typing it all again, the same happened no matter how long it was.

The only way I was able to make that post and this one was to use the "Quote" button. Even then only the quoted text showed in the new post and my text was lost. However I then edited the post and was able to reinstate my text.


13th September 2007, 04:00 PM
Joe - Go to the bottom of the page, just below the Google search thing and click on the Firefox button. You can download the latest version for free and it will hopefully fix this problem and a few more.

Same goes for anyone else running a browsers that hasn't been updated for a few years. This could fix all your problems, and if nothing else, will at least make your web browsing a faster, better experience.

If you don't want to do it through this forum because you're worried we might make a few cents off you, then don't. Go Google Firefox and download it from somewhere else, it really doesn't bother me. But whatever you do; do yourself a big favor and go get it, I doubt you'll ever be disappointed.

Cheers - Neil

13th September 2007, 04:31 PM
Coldamus and Anyone Else with a problem:

Please help us to help you. We're not mind readers. To help you and probably others we need to know a couple of bits of important information. Like:

What browser you are using and the version number?
eg: EI3 IE5,6 or 7 Firefox, Opera v3, 5, 9? etcWhat operating system?
eg: windows 98, xp, 2000, Vista. Mac OS, Linux etc. etcWhat exactly is the problem?
Joes description and the one above by Coldamus are good and give us some idea of the problem bu just need that little extra so we can hopefully deal with it and let others in the same boat know what to look out for.

If you can get a screen shot or 2 even better, but the basics above are pretty much essential for any changes to take place.As everything runs faster and gets better on the www it stands to reason that out of date and in some cases obsolete programs and browsers will begin to fail. To do what has been done and is still being done by way of updates here we have also had to update servers with the latest php codes and other scary stuff. So it stands to reason the older the program is at your end the easier it is that there may be a problem.

It's no big deal. Most of the problems if at your end can be fixed by downloading and installing the latest browser or updating your Operating System. Most will cost you nothing but a little time.

Cheers - Neil :)

PS it is also possible that some of the problems could be stemming from the fact that we've been working furiously in the back room over the past 3 days, still are and probably will be for another day or so.

13th September 2007, 06:28 PM
What browser you are using and the version number?
eg: EI3 IE5,6 or 7 Firefox, Opera v3, 5, 9? etcWhat operating system?
eg: windows 98, xp, 2000, Vista. Mac OS, Linux etc. etc

I am on Windows 98 with IE5.5 SP1 and there's a good reason why I can't upgrade this particular machine. I will try from my other machine in a moment. It is on Windows 2000.

I don't really know what is happening but it seems to me that the forum software is clearing the edit box before trying to post the text in it. It then complains that there is no text to post. It should be posting first and then clearing.

Also, when I first tried to make this post, I used the quote button to reply to Neil's post. I then cropped some of the quoted text to reduce the total size of the post. However when I submitted the post, the whole quoted message was included (but not my comments).

I then edited it to what you see here. So editing works Ok for me but not replying to a post or submitting a new post.

13th September 2007, 07:06 PM
OK. I am now logged in from my second computer. It is on Windows 2000 with IE6.0 SP1.

Edit: Yes, it all seems to work Ok from this machine.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
13th September 2007, 07:12 PM
Well, my problem is back. :rolleyes:

DJ's latest post in his "Finally got a start on shed site" (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?p=586209#post586209) thread looks like Pic 1 to me.

Following a link brings up the logon screen. (Pic 2)

Logging in opens the full-size pic in a new window and after closing the pic window and doing a refresh on the original post it now looks like Pic 3... and stays that way for the rest of the session.

It only does this on pix which are embedded in the body text. The "normal" thumbnails at the bottom of the screen work perfectly 100% of the time.

FWIW: Win2K, Firefox and I always tick "remember me" when logging in. Both initially and for these "in-thread" logins>

DJ’s Timber
13th September 2007, 07:21 PM
Hey Skew, go back to my thread and have a look at my reply to Big Shed

Skew ChiDAMN!!
13th September 2007, 07:26 PM
Hey Skew, go back to my thread and have a look at my reply to Big Shed

You could be right, DJ - I'm having problems viewing any posts including my own which have used the paperclip icon to move the pix.

I'm logged in to www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au and your pix are www.woodworkforums.com

Now I'm pretty sure I ain't loggin' in on one domain to post and another domain to read... but if the forum SW is renaming the domain when it moves the link...? I'd go check the links to my own pix (the ones' I had trouble with earlier) but Neil had a play with 'em after I first reported the problem, so he may've changed all that.

13th September 2007, 07:57 PM
regarding my avatar unlike others who move etc mine doesn't in his forum I use it elsewhere and it does.

It peddles the bike normaly

13th September 2007, 08:23 PM

"Blogs" in the menu bar only appears using the "BASIC" skin.



13th September 2007, 08:39 PM
Midge, thanks, they are aware of this and will get to it once the bigger alligators are under control.

Big Shed
13th September 2007, 09:05 PM
Not really sure whether this is related to the forum updates, but when I checked one of DJs threads with embedded thumbnails, I was asked to log in, even though I was logged in! (if you can follow that?)

Anyway, in his reply DJ asked whether I was logged in to woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au or woodworkforums.com. So I checked and I was checked in to the ubeaut address.

My question is why 2 http addresses for the one forum? Just to confuse us mere mortals?
It certainly appears to cause some picture link problems.

13th September 2007, 10:19 PM

"Blogs" in the menu bar only appears using the "BASIC" skin.



That is strange as I am using the Ubeaut Skin with IE7 Win XP SP2 logged into www.woodworkforums.com (http://www.woodworkforums.com) and I can log into the Blogs without any problems. I don't know if that helps.

13th September 2007, 10:31 PM
That is strange as I am using the Ubeaut Skin with IE7 Win XP SP2 logged into www.woodworkforums.com (http://www.woodworkforums.com) and I can log into the Blogs without any problems. I don't know if that helps.Barry, can you see "Blogs" in the menu bar? It is possible to get there in any skin but only one has the menu bar option at this stage.

13th September 2007, 10:42 PM
Barry, can you see "Blogs" in the menu bar? It is possible to get there in any skin but only one has the menu bar option at this stage.

Sorry Groggy I misunderstood I thought you meant the Menu in the User CP not the main menu bar but as others have said I can see it in the Basic Skin.

13th September 2007, 11:28 PM
HOPEFULLY I have fixed all the problems with nav bar, paperclip, etc Projects and Blogs should be visible on the bar in all skins now.

Did a few tests with paperclip and they all worked fine. Those mentioned have also reverted to the way they should have been.

Don't ya just love upgrades. And it's not over yet either. Server had a major upgrade oto the latest php code today and Steven is waiting to see it it all falls over before we continue the upgrades here.

Now back to the youtube problem in the other thread. :C

Cheers - Neil

joe greiner
14th September 2007, 01:28 AM
Well, no question I've been derelict about upgrading my software. OS (W2K-P) got hosed a while back, and I re-installed from the CD. Unfortunately, the CD was about 6 months older than the version Dell installed before shipping the golem. I delayed upgrading from Redmond because of estimated 3 or 4 days connect time needed - interactive dial-up to boot. My brother had downloaded via DSL, and put the whole works on a CD for his ex; sent me a copy. Still expected 2-6 hours interactive, and need to backup. Still pending, alas, but not for long. The 2-6 hours is probably less than the time I've already wasted. (including elsewhere mostly)

I'm not surprised to get "issues" now (other problems with formatting replies, but not the same as Coldamus), but the only one that really throws me is the one about logging in to view pictures. Sawmill Creek has a similar "feature;" also uses VBulletin. Is it possible that "feature" was implemented with the upgrade? Either accidentally or deliberately? Previously, WWF pictures were viewable without registration. In fact, I've cited WWF links in e-mails to non-members.

I tried viewing without logging in, and got the error message. Lurking before I joined didn't work that way. I'll see how it works on a mate's (non-member) new machine in a bit.


14th September 2007, 03:11 AM
Hi Joe - You're right the pics have been turned off for non registered members some are available but most aren't. We have had major problems with people coming on and downloading everything in sight to the detriment of the forums speed and usability.

We are not the only ones to do this as you say more over we were actually the exception to the rule rather then the norm. But have now joined the ranks of those who want the big forums to run quicker and smoother.

We have had as many as 400 people in a 1 minute period trying to all down load pictures at the same time and it absolutely kills the speed of the forums for everyone.



Embedded pics like these will still be available to anyone but those which are uploaded froma personal computer will not. It is possible that we may open the pics up for all again later on down the track when the bandwidth is a lot bigger and the server a lot faster but the way we're growing I don't know

Cheers - Neil :U

joe greiner
14th September 2007, 05:12 AM
Thanks for the explanation, Neil. Perils of becoming too good, I guess. Working from Windows Vista, so I'll see how the formatting situation is too. Bold? Underline? Smilies? :D:wink::cool:

Looks good to me.


14th September 2007, 04:23 PM
Coldamus and Anyone Else with a problem:

Please help us to help you. We're not mind readers. To help you and probably others we need to know a couple of bits of important information. Like:

What browser you are using and the version number?
Windows Explorer ver 6.0 SP1What operating system?
Windows 2000 SP4 on Pentium 4 2.0gWhat exactly is the problem?
Haven't had any real problems but will report them if I do.
PS it is also possible that some of the problems could be stemming from the fact that we've been working furiously in the back room over the past 3 days, still are and probably will be for another day or so.

Don't spend too much time in the back room without comeing out for some air or a?e.



14th September 2007, 04:34 PM
What about a feed to iGoogle for updated subscribed threads or am I too late?


Cliff Rogers
15th September 2007, 10:26 AM
Geeze, a 7 hour outage, there must have been some heavy work going on.

15th September 2007, 10:28 AM
Scooter missed his shift and no-one was here to peddle............. :bike3:

Cliff Rogers
15th September 2007, 10:30 AM
Good one. :D

15th September 2007, 12:57 PM
:lolabove: :zing: :rotfl:

15th September 2007, 01:22 PM
I am having problems. when I look at some of the posts with thumbnail pics at the bottom, I don't see the pictures, I just see the link to it. I see the picture when I click on the link but when I go back to the post, I don't see the thumbnails, just the link.
This also happened when I uploaded a picture to a post just now, I dont see my picture in the post, just the link to click on to bring the picture up.
I also had problems uploading the pictures, I wanted to upload 2 pictures but I could only upload the one picture. the second picture I chose didn't upload.

15th September 2007, 01:25 PM
I will check to see if I there is a later version of Firefox than the one I am using and if there is, will download it to see if that makes any difference.

Just checked and I am using the latest version of Firefox.
Same problem when I use Internet Explorer

DJ’s Timber
15th September 2007, 01:32 PM
Well, my problem is back. :rolleyes:

DJ's latest post in his "Finally got a start on shed site" (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?p=586209#post586209) thread looks like Pic 1 to me.

Following a link brings up the logon screen. (Pic 2)

Logging in opens the full-size pic in a new window and after closing the pic window and doing a refresh on the original post it now looks like Pic 3... and stays that way for the rest of the session.

It only does this on pix which are embedded in the body text. The "normal" thumbnails at the bottom of the screen work perfectly 100% of the time.

FWIW: Win2K, Firefox and I always tick "remember me" when logging in. Both initially and for these "in-thread" logins>

This prob has popped it head up with this thread (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=52942) as well, can see the thumbnails fine here, but when I was linked to it via this thread (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=56045) which got me this thread (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?t=52942) all I can see is a written link which then asks me to log in if I click on it.

Does this mean we need to be signed in to both url's to overcome this prob or :shrug:

Using the latest Firefox browser as I only downloaded it last night and Windows Vista.

Would post a screen shot of each one but don't know how to do it :shrug: :C

15th September 2007, 01:38 PM
Would post a screen shot of each one but don't know how to do it :shrug: :C
press print screen on your key board


hold down alt and press print screen - this will take a pic of the active window.

then go into paint and press ctrl v or right click and paste.

then save it as a jpg cos bitmaps take up alot of memory


Big Shed
15th September 2007, 01:42 PM
This prob has popped it head up with this thread (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=52942) as well, can see the thumbnails fine here, but when I was linked to it via this thread (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=56045) which got me this thread (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?t=52942) all I can see is a written link which then asks me to log in if I click on it.

Does this mean we need to be signed in to both url's to overcome this prob or :shrug:

Using the latest Firefox browser as I only downloaded it last night and Windows Vista.

Would post a screen shot of each one but don't know how to do it :shrug: :C

Yep, I got the same. Firefox (latest) on Win XP Pro, signed in to woodworkforums.com

15th September 2007, 01:46 PM
This is what I see. this is a picture I posted earlier today.

15th September 2007, 01:55 PM
This is what I see. this is a picture I posted earlier today.

1250 and I am having same problem as John now

Is there a way to add date & time stamp to posts:?

15th September 2007, 02:12 PM
Well figure this one or am I crazy. This has happened to me a few times over the last 2 days. "Open Slather" and" What a load of drivel" have been missing at times from the main menu in the forum. Have a look at pic 1 and pic 2 and see what I mean. has this been done deliberately or has the whole thing gone crazy? Pictures are not very clear cos its a screen capture but you will see what I am on about. Can someone enlighten us as to whats going on?:(

Cliff Rogers
15th September 2007, 02:14 PM
..Is there a way to add date & time stamp to posts:?
That happens automatically, look above your name in the left column.

15th September 2007, 02:15 PM
1250 and I am having same problem as John now

Is there a way to add date & time stamp to posts:?
It's already done automatically. top of each post, left side. above your name oops Cliff already answered that.

Cliff Rogers
15th September 2007, 02:16 PM
Is there an echo in here? :D

15th September 2007, 02:17 PM
That happens automatically, look above your name in the left column.

:doh::doh: honestly I had never noticed it looked everywhere

Thanks Cliff

ps just worked out why i couldn't see it its where the glare spot is on my screen

15th September 2007, 02:23 PM
This is so crazy, I just went back to the main forum index page and sure enough, "Open Slather" and "What a load of drivel" are not there again.. If this is updating, just put it back the way it was. much better the old way. :rolleyes:

15th September 2007, 02:42 PM
This is so crazy, I just went back to the main forum index page and sure enough, "Open Slather" and "What a load of drivel" are not there again.. If this is updating, just put it back the way it was. much better the old way. :rolleyes:

Nope just looed edited" (Opps meant looked) not there GONE:oo::o not that I have used them

Maybe they are being transffered to that other forum where men are men ...maybe

joe greiner
15th September 2007, 03:14 PM
I am having problems. when I look at some of the posts with thumbnail pics at the bottom, I don't see the pictures, I just see the link to it. I see the picture when I click on the link but when I go back to the post, I don't see the thumbnails, just the link.
This also happened when I uploaded a picture to a post just now, I dont see my picture in the post, just the link to click on to bring the picture up.

I just noticed this too. And the link has a very long ID (5-digit number & 10-digit number) whereas thumbnails only have a 5-digit ID.

Also, the heading is "Attached Images" instead of "Attached Thumbnails."


15th September 2007, 03:37 PM
Nope just looed edited" (Opps meant looked) not there GONE:oo::o not that I have used them

Maybe they are being transffered to that other forum where men are men ...maybe
I don't know because it comes and goes. sometimes they are there and sometimes they aren't. spooky..

15th September 2007, 06:47 PM
They are still updating certain sections and things will be a bit awry for a while.

Big Shed
15th September 2007, 06:59 PM
I don't know because it comes and goes. sometimes they are there and sometimes they aren't. spooky..

Don't know what you are worried about John, they have given us back iSpy, what more do you want?:D

15th September 2007, 11:58 PM
All the problems that occurred today were because the server was updated with the latest php code yesterday and last night the bloody thing (or part of it) fell over and we were off the air for around 7 hours.

Some of us, Steven in particular, have been slaving really hard since 7am thismorning to get everything back up and running properly again for you.

All should be fixed now and hopefully rock solid. The rest of our upgrade will take place (hopefully) seamlessly over the next day or so. There may be an odd hiccup or two for a few minutes but that should be all.

Anyone who wants to say thanks to Steven for his massive effort, please feel free to do so here. Be nice to hear a positive comment or two for a change.


PS The outage had nothing at all to do with our upgrades it was an indipentent server fault. It just stuffed up most of the improvements and patches we had done over the last few days.

Cliff Rogers
16th September 2007, 12:09 AM
Good on ya Steven. :2tsup:

So it wasn't Scooter's fault after all. :p

DJ’s Timber
16th September 2007, 12:12 AM
Thank you for your tireless work Steven, your doing a top job :2tsup:

DJ’s Timber
16th September 2007, 12:13 AM
So it wasn't Scooter's fault after all. :p

Darn, I was going to give him a quick kick up the behind :~:U tomorrow

16th September 2007, 12:16 AM
"Open Slather" and" What a load of drivel" have been missing at times:please2:And the problem with that is.....? :aerobics:

Humph can't see one..... :dunno: Oh bugger they're back again. :damn:


joe greiner
16th September 2007, 02:04 AM
Steven, this must be like repairing a steam locomotive under way: Technically interesting, but not much fun. Thanks for all your efforts and results.


16th September 2007, 08:40 AM
Steven Thanks you have made a lot of old pharts happy and stopped us whingin & whinin

16th September 2007, 09:44 AM
Anyone who wants to say thanks to Steven for his massive effort, please feel free to do so here. Be nice to hear a positive comment or two for a change.

Yes, thanks Steven, It must be a monumental task.Any criticism that has been put forward by myself has intended to be purely constructive, (I hope) and that is not to say that your efforts are not appreciated, because they are. Keep up the good work. Also while I'm at it, a big thank you to Neil and all others involved in the upkeep of this forum, for being interested enough in this site and members and instigating upgrades that will benefit all members.:2tsup:

16th September 2007, 10:11 AM
I'm trying to access Juan's embedded link in ppost 10 here

but each time I click on it it asks me to login in and then just spits me back to the same login window after saying thanks for logging in???:? I use Safari on a mac


16th September 2007, 10:13 AM
Yes thank you Steven and what the others said. Definately the power behind the scenes.

Big Shed
16th September 2007, 10:26 AM
Thank you Steven for keeping this wonderful forum on the rails, it cannot be an easy task, and you must think it a thankless one at times.

As a frequent user of this forum I know that we take the smooth operation for granted at times, it is only when things go wrong, such as yesterday's server crash, that we realise how much is involved in giving us a chance to "spout off"!:2tsup:

So please know that your efforts are appreciated:brava

16th September 2007, 10:54 AM
Is it just me or has the forum become very slow at loading every page as I click on a link. It has seemed to have got slower since the upgrade but this morning it has become really painful.

It is taking from thirty to forty five seconds to load.

All other websites Google for instance load within 5 seconds.

Big Shed
16th September 2007, 11:11 AM
Is it just me or has the forum become very slow at loading every page as I click on a link. It has seemed to have got slower since the upgrade but this morning it has become really painful.

It is taking from thirty to forty five seconds to load.

All other websites Google for instance load within 5 seconds.

Barry, no problem here, virtually instantaneous, certainly not seconds. I am on broadband, 512k, so not particularly flash.

16th September 2007, 11:20 AM
mic-d - Try connecting to the forums via www,woodworkforums.com if you already aren't.

Barry - I was having the same problem thismorning, realised my puter was running a full virus search of the HDD, paused it andback to greased lightning on the forums. Check to make sure your computer isn't running virus scan or updates in the background.

Hope these suggestions are of some help.

16th September 2007, 11:48 AM
mic-d - Try connecting to the forums via www,woodworkforums.com if you already aren't.
Hope these suggestions are of some help.

Thanks Neil, will connect there now. There is still something wrong with the second image in Juans poll post on bathroom renos, but he has reposted it and I can open it.


Big Shed
16th September 2007, 01:45 PM
mic-d - Try connecting to the forums via www,woodworkforums.com if you already aren't.

Hope these suggestions are of some help.

Neil, I had the same problem this morning with Juans' post, have also had that problem with some of djstimbers' post and I was logged on to woodworkforums.com.

However, I have just noticed that, even though I am logged on to woodworkforums.com, when you click on mic-d's link, it then takes you to woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au, and of course you are not logged in there, so it asks you to log in!:(

This 2 web addresses bit gets quite confusing. Is there a technical reason for the 2 addresses? I know I have asked this before, but haven't seen an explanation for it.



16th September 2007, 05:44 PM

We need to do a rebuild of all the graphics, posts, counters, etc which will take many hours and virtually bring the forums to a standstill, so will have to leave it till the wee small hours when most of the world's asleep or at least dopey enough that they might not notice.

Hopefully this will put an end to all this for good. If the server doesn't fall over again.

Cheers - Neil :no: