View Full Version : Forum update - comments here please
22nd October 2007, 01:39 PM
In fact, I think it's great that you can collapse a whole section if you're not interested in it, and equally great that you can still see a list of the sub-forums in case you're looking for something.
I'm thinking it may be a bit early to comment on the new layout as it appears to be WIP but I agree having both vertical and horizontal display is useful. I didn't like only horizontal, perhaps this is a case of the Dictator being indeed benevolent:D Anyway the changes are interesting as are the comments/opinions.
Cheers Mike
22nd October 2007, 01:56 PM
Hi All
I just re-read my post. :B
I must apologise to all.
The post does NOT read in any way like I meant it to come across :doh:
I hoped that I could delete the post before someone read it, as my words are certainly not the best. I hit refresh and discovered that I was too late to prevent some reading of the post. :B
I would like to remove the post before upsetting too many readers.
Sorry about that. :B
22nd October 2007, 04:48 PM
I wont screen dump what Im seeing but the code doesnt look stable yet.
"who has a brilliant future"
"who has a brilliant future"
"who has a brilliant future"
"who has a brilliant future"
"who has a brilliant future"
"who has a brilliant future" etc
Wood Butcher
22nd October 2007, 05:27 PM
If you are seeing something strage could you at least email it to us so that if there is a problem what you may be seeing will aid in rectifying the problem
22nd October 2007, 10:06 PM
Has been fixed.
Was a problem with newest version of Apache updated late today mirroring our US Server, with the server in Sydney that houses the forum graphics.... or something like that.
Was fun whilst it lasted. Shouldn't happen again.
Cheers - Neil :)
23rd October 2007, 06:55 AM
th.. th.. th... th.. thanx guys, Ill screen dump in future, BTW, Im not as fussed about the aesthetics of the forum, Im into the content. Seriously appreciate the time and effort you guys put in,
23rd October 2007, 04:17 PM
Pages have been a bit slow to open over the last 2 or 3 days. Is anyone else having that problem?
23rd October 2007, 04:20 PM
Pages have been a bit slow to open over the last 2 or 3 days. Is anyone else having that problem?
Yes same here all other open tabs respond well so not ISP
23rd October 2007, 04:21 PM
Nope, pages loading quick as ever here. No more than a couple of seconds from clicking a link to viewing the page.
Depending on the size of the page of course. This one loads in <2 seconds.
DJ’s Timber
23rd October 2007, 04:25 PM
Pages have been a bit slow to open over the last 2 or 3 days. Is anyone else having that problem?
Yes same here all other open tabs respond well so not ISP
Me 3 as well, comes and goes.
23rd October 2007, 05:12 PM
Me 4 as well. Just sits there saying waiting for
23rd October 2007, 05:17 PM
Ok What the going on
went from reading a pm clicked on main WWF to go to Photography using the little name tag at the top of the section and I am shown as "Logged Out" hit refresh etc
If I use the main photography link I am shown as "Logged In"
Opened From book marks in new Tab and I am "Logged In"
DJ’s Timber
23rd October 2007, 05:25 PM
Ok What the going on
went from reading a pm clicked on main WWF to go to Photography using the little name tag at the top of the section and I am shown as "Logged Out" hit refresh etc
If I use the main photography link I am shown as "Logged In"
Opened From book marks in new Tab and I am "Logged In"
Check the urls of the links you're going to, I just tried it and I am on the and clicking the photography link took me to the Not showing me as "logged out" because I have signed in on both urls.
23rd October 2007, 05:37 PM
Check the urls of the links you're going to, I just tried it and I am on the and clicking the photography link took me to the Not showing me as "logged out" because I have signed in on both urls.
So this would be saying that the link at the top Is not the same as the main link:doh: and the people who have set it up have to change it or are you letting me know I have to be signed into both Aways. Something I don't really want to do is open yet another Tab.
DJ’s Timber
23rd October 2007, 05:47 PM
So this would be saying that the link at the top Is not the same as the main link:doh: and the people who have set it up have to change it or are you letting me know I have to be signed into both Aways. Something I don't really want to do is open yet another Tab.
Ray, you don't need another tab open. Once you've signed in, the cookies on your computer remember this unless you log out.
I am signed in on both urls and I rarely log out. The only times that I log out really is when I use my Dad's or friend's computers in Melbourne.
added; but my home computer and laptop are never logged out, so when I open the forums on either computer, I am automatically remembered as I haven't logged out or cleared my cookies on those 2 computers.
23rd October 2007, 06:01 PM
Ray, you don't need another tab open. Once you've signed in, the cookies on your computer remember this unless you log out.
I am signed in on both urls and I rarely log out. The only times that I log out really is when I use my Dad's or friend's computers in Melbourne.
added; but my home computer and laptop are never logged out, so when I open the forums on either computer, I am automatically remembered as I haven't logged out or cleared my cookies on those 2 computers.
I know I didn't need to open a new tab but I did to see if it would log me in straight away which it did. As i knew I had not logged out.:?
My own way of checking first before REPORTING the problem.
Hence then my e-mail regarding being in a Logged on situation and going from the PM section clicking on WWF main link to go to the Photograph section no:no: problem.
Then thought ok we have the new title bits at the top I'll use that ....Thats when it went to "Logged Out"
23rd October 2007, 06:29 PM
Pages seem to be loading a bit faster but not real quick. very slow when I post, just sits there for ages. anyway I am going to call it quits for today. Tuesday is my trivia night. :)
29th October 2007, 04:25 PM
I am now having problems uploading pictures to my posts. tried a couple of times and nothing happened just the text, no picture.
Worked fine before all the changes.
29th October 2007, 04:29 PM
I am now having problems uploading pictures to my posts. tried a couple of times and nothing happened just the text, no picture.
Worked fine before all the changes.
I saw the post pop up in ISpy John went to click on it and the whole post disapaered and got a message o contact ADMIN.
Ps hope your ok after the storm.
Wood Butcher
29th October 2007, 04:44 PM
John, can you give me any more details? Like error messages if there is any.
Wheelin, The post appeared in Ispy but John had deleted it before you clicked on the link hence the contact admin message.
30th October 2007, 08:46 AM
John, can you give me any more details? Like error messages if there is any.
Wheelin, The post appeared in Ispy but John had deleted it before you clicked on the link hence the contact admin message.There was no error message I just did what I usually do but the pic did not attach to the post ao I tried it twice and then deleted the posts.
I will try it again this morning and see what happens and report back.
30th October 2007, 08:47 AM
this is the picture I was trying to post.
30th October 2007, 08:49 AM
As you can see, nothing.
DJ’s Timber
30th October 2007, 09:48 AM
Have you clicked the "Upload" button after browsing for the picture?
Big Shed
30th October 2007, 09:51 AM
Have you clicked the "Upload" button after browsing for the picture?
..........and then you have to wait for it (them) to actually upload, which can take some time, especially if te have to be re-sized.
30th October 2007, 10:22 AM
Have you clicked the "Upload" button after browsing for the picture?Yep did that and waited but it didn't seem to upload like it normally does.
..........and then you have to wait for it (them) to actually upload, which can take some time, especially if te have to be re-sized.Yes i waited for a while but still didn't do anything. The pic is around th 100Kbs I think from memory.
30th October 2007, 10:27 AM
Thanks Big shed and DJ. problem been solved by Wood Butcher, it was my fault, picture was over 100kbs so wouldn't upload.
31st October 2007, 02:38 PM
WWF is becoming so popular its spitting the dumy for 3 to 5 minutes its all I got.
Backroom Boys must be hard at it again
31st October 2007, 09:09 PM
It's been so long that I can't remeber what's changed? :U (other than there's now a million forums)
1st November 2007, 06:47 AM
This morning 8 minutes of no response from the server all other web pages loaded.
1st November 2007, 01:54 PM
I haven't logged on for a few days - so I noticed some changes to the forum structure
Just wanted to say - I like what you are doing with the front page - it makes a lot of sense - and makes the forum work much better for me - and I hope others
thanks Ubeaut and its myriad helpers!
4th November 2007, 12:42 PM
I like the new front page.
However instead of being in "General" I think Festool, Triton, Router and router jigs, should be under "Hand tools and Machinery" which is where you find Incra.
Horizontal layout of eth forums doesn't worry me, but some of the are out of order, eg "Hand Tools and Machinery"
Keep up the good work
P.S. Munrubin, the forum will resize most pics to uner 100 kb for you automatically, or at least it used to.
21st November 2018, 09:23 PM
yep, i agree with peter too:2tsup:.
quite whinging fella's.:cool:
21st November 2018, 09:40 PM
this tread is 11 yrs old!!!
21st November 2018, 10:12 PM
What gets me is how do these newbies find these old threads to resurrect with their first or second post.
I won't link to Blake63's other post but it does make one wonder if someone is testing an automated troll.
22nd November 2018, 06:47 AM
Ian, at the bottom of the page on any thread are other suggested threads that relate (key words) to the thread being read. Clicking on the link will take you to that thread, no matter the age of that thread. If the reader doesn’t look at the date of the thread they would not know how old it was. I did this when I first joined, it’s easy to do.
22nd November 2018, 10:11 AM
But Cal I bet your first couple of posts probably weren't bordering on insults. But then we also got another new member elsewhere recently who asked a real but uniformed question about how to make a board out of a worthless piece of timber and most of the replies he got were bordering on rude.
22nd November 2018, 10:19 AM
Ian, at the bottom of the page on any thread are other suggested threads that relate (key words) to the thread being read. Clicking on the link will take you to that thread, no matter the age of that thread. If the reader doesn’t look at the date of the thread they would not know how old it was. I did this when I first joined, it’s easy to do.
Thank you Cal.
But the reason I didn't want to actually provide a link was my reluctance to provide too much oxygen to what at first glance looks to be a troll.
In the interests of the community, I hope I am wrong.
22nd November 2018, 10:23 AM
But Cal I bet your first couple of posts probably weren't bordering on insults. But then we also got another new member elsewhere recently who asked a real but uniformed question about how to make a board out of a worthless piece of timber and most of the replies he got were bordering on rude.
I know the post you are referring to.
I think "incredulity" might be a better description.
For me the "red flag" is the resurrection of an 11 year old thread.
22nd November 2018, 09:33 PM
I know the post you are referring to.
I think "incredulity" might be a better description.
Sometimes a straight "you don't have the required skills/knowledge to do this yet" is better for everyone involved.