View Full Version : Primer scratching off

6th September 2007, 07:10 PM
Hi - I have painted some timber with a 3 in 1 primer (British paints), and 24 hrs later it is scratching off with a fingernail. My question is whether this is the final situation or whether it may harden up or stick a little better over time (as acrylic paints take a few weeks to get hard in gloss for instance).

If not, next course of action - sand all back, and start again?

6th September 2007, 07:20 PM
Are you sure its British paints?
Taubmans have a 3 in 1 British paints call theirs "all in one"

If you can scratch it off its probably too thick and if you have done it the last couple of days the tempurature would probably be a bit low making it dry slower.

First coat of a primer on timber should be thin so it can soak in and seal off the timber not thick as it will not stick well.

bob w
6th September 2007, 09:52 PM
A couple of questions:
a) Was this new bare timber or had it been painted previously?
b) Is it internal or external?
c) Did you stir well before using?
A decent 3in1 primer should stick to bare timber and also prepainted if you give a light sand prior to coating. It sounds like the surface was either wet, too cold or had another finish which was not compatible with the acrylic coating.
Cheers Bob W

7th September 2007, 09:11 AM
hi Bob, no didnt stir, previously finished in a clear satin finish, and internal.

strange thing is some of the moulding has got good adhesion, and the rest is rubbish, also the veneered door has had good adhesion, so I'm thinking its not a stirring issue - maybe a gloss finish on the areas it wont adhere? (worn gloss).

Have to take the sander and the scraper out today -