View Full Version : New Posts Question

Honorary Bloke
31st August 2007, 09:35 AM
I have noticed since 3 hours ago that when I make a post to a thread and then click New Posts, my reply does not show up as new and that thread is no longer listed. This is very different from before. Has something changed or do I have a software problem? :?

31st August 2007, 10:02 AM
Bob I think someone is fiddleing with the knobs.

Big Shed
31st August 2007, 10:12 AM
Certainly doesn't behave the way it used to..........

Now when I click on New Posts, I get 32 pages of posts going back to 26/08 at 11:13am:oo:

Honorary Bloke
31st August 2007, 10:44 AM
And now I've read another thread with the same complaint. But they no doubt could not see this one. :rolleyes:

Cliff Rogers
31st August 2007, 10:50 AM
Cookies seem to have been reset to about the 22nd.

Honorary Bloke
31st August 2007, 10:56 AM
Cookies seem to have been reset to about the 22nd.

Oh oh. I LOVE cookies! :p

31st August 2007, 11:28 AM
Neil is doing some upgrades to the settings.

joe greiner
31st August 2007, 02:00 PM
Very glad to read this thread. I got 32 pages of "New Posts", logged off, disconnected, reconnected, logged in, and still got 32 pages. I was almost ready to buy a Mac.


31st August 2007, 02:31 PM
I was almost ready to buy a Mac.

You need help quick!! When you get to that stage, things are definately sour. :U

31st August 2007, 07:01 PM
I am fiddling with the cats whiskers trying to fix up a few things and make it easier for members.

We keep having complaints about New Posts thing cutting of after a certain time or a number of views etc and am trying to tweak it.

There are 3 options to control how threads and forums are marked as read.
Inactivity/Cookie Based - once a user has been inactive for a certain amount of time (the value of the session timeout option) all threads and forums are considered read. Individual threads are marked as read within a session via cookies.

:aro-u: This is how it has worked up until now.
Database (no automatic forum marking) - this option uses the database to store thread and forum read times. This allows accurate read markers to be kept indefinitely. However, in order for a forum to be marked read when all threads are read, the user must view the list of threads for that forum.

:aro-u: This is the option that caused this thread to be started. It's more space and processor intensive than inactivity-based marking but doesn't throw you our or time out
Database (automatic forum marking) - this option is the same as a previous option, but forums are automatically marked as read when the last new thread is read.

This is the most usable option for you lot as the end users, but is by far the most processor intensive and after seeing hoa the forums slowed down throughout the day today I don't think I'll even try it.Have switched back to the old method so if it times out or you lose the threads part way through , bad luck this seems to be the only viable method for now.

While we're on the new things tack.
You can now change the look of the forums to one of 5 different ones (watch out for the Triton one... It's scary). This is done through the Quick Style Chooser left side, at the bottom of each page which is now working. Been trying to get it going for a looooong time and finally found a couple of lines of code missing in each style which fixed it.

Cheers - Neil :U

Bleedin Thumb
31st August 2007, 07:12 PM
While we're on the new things tack.
You can now change the look of the forums to one of 5 different ones (watch out for the triton one... It's scary). This is done through the Quick Style Chooser left side at the bottom of each page which is now working. Been trying to get it going for a looooong time and finally found a couple of lines of code missing in each style which fixed it.

Cheers - Neil :U

The one thats titled "Neil" is interesting what do you call that colour ...Lilac?????? Isn't that a code violation:D

31st August 2007, 07:33 PM
LILAC :o Think you'd better fix the colour settings on your monitor. It's more of a steel blue (gray/blue).