View Full Version : Country boy

Barry Hicks
15th August 2007, 08:03 AM
A young country lad from Wallan went on his first trip to the big city. He was wandering around and met this attractive and very friendly girl who, unbeknown to the boy from the bush, was a lady of the night.
They went back to her place where young fellow spent a very enjoyable evening.
Being from the bush, he was awake early next morning and decided to leave without waking the girl. He was halfway out the door when the girl woke and said, "Hey, what about some money?"
He replied, "No, I couldn't, you have been too good to me already."

Allan at Wallan
15th August 2007, 04:09 PM
Good one Barry!

I believe she was a German girl and the bloke
asked her, "Do you want dollars or marks?"

She replied, "Marks".

He then said, "Ok, I will give you seven out of ten".



I am not at all worried about dying
... but just hope I am not there at the time.

Barry Hicks
15th August 2007, 05:02 PM
Now THAT is worth 10/10 Allan.