View Full Version : Screen/fence post question

14th August 2007, 10:35 AM

I am making a privacy screen/fence down the side of my property. The width is 2 meters and height is 1.9 meters. Just wondering if i would be better off with two posts (90x90 treated pine) or one to support the screen. I will have a piece of 90x45 treated pine bolted to the house wall. The boards are just 90mm treated pine decking screwed onto the posts. I have included a pic as to what i am constructing.


14th August 2007, 06:04 PM
I am building the same sort of thing. The treated pine decking you intend to use. I built a ramp 4 meters long and 1.5 meters wide, the decking moves with weather in the summer as it heats up the ends curl 25mm, so I am going to replace the treated pine with hardwood. For the screen I am leaning to WR cedar or hardwood.:2tsup:

14th August 2007, 06:31 PM
I agree with Les. Treated pine, over a span of 2 metres will not be a good look.

14th August 2007, 06:43 PM
2 posts I'd reckon, I reckon your gaps could vary a bit over 1 metre centres, let alone 2 metre.

Consider putting some vertical battens in between, so the t/p screening is supported on 500mm centres.
