View Full Version : Champhor Laurel

10th August 2007, 11:03 AM
I found a small turned champhor bowl i want to repolish as a gift. What would be a good finish and to what grade sanding should i i go for.?


11th August 2007, 10:57 AM
What is the present finish and what do you (or the new owners) propose to use it for?

11th August 2007, 04:55 PM
What is the present finish and what do you (or the new owners) propose to use it for?

Its not too bad . Only Slightly scuffed abit on the outside but it runs up into natural edges:p . There doesnt appear to be any varnish that i cen discern. I plan to engrave the base rim so i guess i'll level that off slightly which should give me an idea of what iam dealing with.there. I might be better off not really doing anything to the outside on second thoughts:rolleyes:

11th August 2007, 10:12 PM
My own thoughts would be to sand to 1500 grit, EEE then shellawax unless you wnat that awful smel of CL, unfortunately I can't work with it as it reacts something fierce with my nose/head but this is what I use for most of my limited turnings.
I am also assuming that you have a lathe.