View Full Version : What Is The Going Rate For Test & Tag Of Electrical Equipment?

8th August 2007, 10:32 PM
What Is The Going Rate For Test & Tag Of Electrical Equipment?
In Vic.

9th August 2007, 07:15 AM
I think it is about $5 per item.

Al :)

journeyman Mick
9th August 2007, 09:35 AM
I think it is about $5 per item.

Al :)

But it's usually cheaper to buy a packet of tags and a few plugs/leads and pay a sparky by the hour. Alternatively if you've got a lot to do it's worth considering a course which allows you to test your own (or your employer's/employee's) tools.


Bleedin Thumb
9th August 2007, 10:03 AM
Up here, its usually a carton of beer (or part thereof depending on how many tools) to the site sparky as long as he's not the boss.:wink:

9th August 2007, 10:55 PM
what ever you do just make sure you get a Qualified elect in to do it there are mobs who have instantly set up their own business on the back of the electrical trade prostituting it by just going to the local wholesaler laying out $1000 bucks for a PAT tester do a 6 -9 week tech course and there you go instant test and tag company but the fact is if they come across a fault with a power tool say a plug or lead that where the insulation has broke down and you would like them to repair the tool legally they cannot repair the tool as they only hold the test & tag cert if I was going to the hassle of getting my tools tagged and I knew a plug was faulty and wanted it done safely get the guys in who are sparks not some goose who has done a tech course for 9 weeks and would not have a clue where the real problem lies in a failed tool test and relies totally on a machine

10th August 2007, 11:44 AM
My son charges $50.00 per hour


10th August 2007, 09:06 PM
ummm Patty,
Its only a 6 hour course at Tafe for Test & Tag.

I am advised however that the course is not mandatory for test & tag.

Apparently theres a number of self interest groups touting their own wares that are having an effect of misinforming the public without actually being guilkty of deceptive practises.

Jack E
10th August 2007, 11:56 PM
What sort of gear have you got?

Send it up to me and I will do it for free.

If it's good stuff I can't guaratee a retuen date.

Don't have a Domino do you:D

Cheers, Jack