View Full Version : Problem with spotty finish
6th August 2007, 06:47 PM
I have just started using the Ultra Shine & Shellawax products - and getting some really impressive results! - but on a couple of pieces I turned, there seem to be spots that won't shine up as well as the rest of the piece. I suspect that the walnut oil I used first had not totally dried after 2 months - other pieces done at the same time and allowed to dry came out fine...
My question is this:
Is there some way to remove the finish & re-apply new oil, let it dry and then re-finish - Or can I simply put the piece aside for another few weeks & the try again?
7th August 2007, 02:13 AM
I wouldn't be using it over walnut oil. This is most likely the problem but not necessarily, it could be that the timber doesn't like the finish. There are a heap of variables that could affect the finish.
Shellawax, Shellawax Cream are recommended for use on raw timber but alsobe used over EEE-Ultra Shine as they are compatible..They are not recommended for use over any other finish, sanding sealer or oil.
EEE on the other hand should not be used under anything other than the Shellawaxes or any wax finish. However it can be used with fantastic results over most other finishes as a final cut and polish.
Have a look HERE ( it might also be of some help although it is in desperate need of some updating of info.
Hope this is of some help.
Cheers - Neil :U
PS The Shellawax should sand off pretty easily if you wish to start again on raw timber.
7th August 2007, 05:03 AM
OK, thanks for the info - I'll sand it & retry the finish.
One further question - can this finish be used in a turning the will hold liquids, say a wine goblet?
9th August 2007, 01:44 PM
For a wine goblet use Shellawax (liquid, not Cream) 2 - 3 coats don't use EEE first.
Preferably on a tight grained timber and allow a full month for finish to cure before filling with Wild Turkey. The acid in some reds may cause a problem but really don't know.
Cheers - Neil:)
9th August 2007, 02:23 PM
I'll give it a try - waiting the month for the Wild Turkey may be a bit hard, though...:D
9th August 2007, 03:34 PM
... thought Neil meant leave the timber while filling self with Wild Turkey ;-}
9th August 2007, 04:07 PM
Might be best to conduct some pre-testing to be sure I have the taste down - otherwise can't be sure if the goblet is seasoned enough...:2tsup:
9th August 2007, 04:13 PM
Yeah, enough pre-testing and you don't worry so much about finishing ;-}