View Full Version : Biting off more than I should have

6th August 2007, 03:26 PM

I have a 10000 litre water tank at ground level. (3m diameter, 1.8 high). In a fit of excitement I thought, hey, what if buried it about half way and grow some shrubs it will be hidden :) .


1. Tank website says okay to 900mm -----check
2. No nosy council rangers----------------check
3. Shovel --------------------------------check
4. Mattock -------------------------------check
5. Tape, string and marking paint ----------check

And away we go....

Stupid doesnt bother to work out that I had to dig out just under 4 cubic metres of clay to bury the bloody thing :rolleyes:

2 days later hole is dug.

Looks good, but god I am so sleeeeeepy and tiiiiiiiiired!

6th August 2007, 03:35 PM
I have two words for you: back hoe. :p

6th August 2007, 03:41 PM

Wood Butcher
6th August 2007, 03:43 PM

If you can't prove then no-one going to believe you! :p

6th August 2007, 03:48 PM
Daz I reckon you deserve a beer or 10 after a big effort like that. No wonder your tired mate. I used a bobcat to dig my pad out and it was for a 5000l tank sitting on a bed of crusher dust. I needed to level out the yard any how and it made life that bit easier.

6th August 2007, 05:53 PM
Pics tomorrow, cant push shutter button.....

6th August 2007, 06:41 PM
you made sure that no water (other than what goes into the tank) will get into the new hole, or at least made sure that water will be able to drain from the new hole, right :-)

6th August 2007, 07:01 PM
Heres a pic of it being delivered;



And i did remember to have an outlet :~ , only cause SWMBO suggestd it :U

6th August 2007, 07:56 PM
I can confirm Dazzlers story I saw him digging the hole on the weekend when I emptied his garage of tools.

I was gonna offer to give you a hand mate but I didn't want to take away the " I did that by myself " satisfaction you must have felt at the end of the job.:U


7th August 2007, 11:43 AM
I thought it was a sub

David L
7th August 2007, 04:04 PM
Hope you didn't have to dig a hole to put all that soil in to get rid of it.