View Full Version : Plumbing Regulations - Hot water service distance from window?

30th July 2007, 01:06 PM
One for the plumbers.
What is the regulation in Victoria regarding how far a HWS must be from a window? Am getting a gas storage unit for outside. I was thinking the reg's was 500mm from a window, not sure if this is from an openable window or any fixed window? The spot I hope it can go is also near where the drainage pipes for the kitchen sink and laundry go to. It would be near this, but not covering it or restricting access to these pipes.
Otherwise will have to go where I was hoping to put my rainwater tank!!!

30th July 2007, 06:59 PM
500 below eaves
1000mm from gas meter
<150mj/h 500mm from window
>150mj/h 1500mm from window
150mm from drain pipes.
500mm from any building.

Are you going to do it yourself or get it done by a plumber?

There are other rules you need to know if you want to do it yourself.

You on lpg or nat?

31st July 2007, 12:21 PM
Thanks Bricks
Will use the builders plumber but he suggested we put it in another area, so I just wanted to check if it could go where I want it to before I start saying to him where I really want it to go! From what you have said it should be able to go where I want it, hopefully the plumber will agree.

31st July 2007, 07:04 PM
The plumber may know best as to system performance, price, ect.

Having said that if your hell bent on putting it where you want it there are other considerations to factor in.

-distance to taps,
-distance to water and gas sources
-ease of installation
-fences, boundarys, walkways
-ease of service

-heaps of other environmental reasons.

Be prepared to pay extra for it. most guys are on a strict budget with builders so it might cost a bit- maybe even $500 - 1000. depending on the situation.