View Full Version : A giraffe wrecked my tap!
Bleedin Thumb
29th July 2007, 12:26 PM
Hi folks I have a diverter tap in the bath (think thats what you call em) the one that when you pull a lever on them the water diverts from the spout to the shower rose.
It stopped diverting during the week so I pulled it off only to find that there was a giraffe up the spout! a little plastic orange one..bloody kids:D
Anyway I did my best obstetrician act and performed a ceaser with the pointnose pliers.
Put the tap back on but it still isn't diverting properly and when I look in the back I can see that the o ring washer is defunked.
Sooo my questions are :
1. Can these be fixed and how.. can you pull them apart?
2. Have you ever had a giraffe problem with your taps (or any other fauna):wink:
29th July 2007, 12:55 PM
Sooo my questions are :
1. Can these be fixed and how.. can you pull them apart?
2. Have you ever had a giraffe problem with your taps (or any other fauna):wink:
1. You can pull anything apart
putting it together again is the tricky bit. :rolleyes:
2. We get possums in outside loo regularly :wink:
3 swmbo wants to know about the caesar, hows mum & bubs :oo:
29th July 2007, 01:37 PM
Anyway I did my best obstetrician act and performed a ceaser with the pointnose pliers.The angle grinder is required for a ceaser. I believe you performed a forceps delivery.
Send the giraffe back up with an o ring. He stuffed it so he should fix it.
Bleedin Thumb
29th July 2007, 06:55 PM
The angle grinder is required for a ceaser. I believe you performed a forceps delivery.
Send the giraffe back up with an o ring. He stuffed it so he should fix it.
Yes you are quite correct, it was a forcep delivery. The giraffe is doing well but will have a bit of trouble standing as it has one leg a bit longer than the rest now.:C
As far as sending it back up..........:no: once they're out there's no way to get em back in.:U
30th July 2007, 12:11 AM
Never had a problem with taps, although when my brother had his tv vcr repair shop it was very common to find vegimite sangers posted inside but by far the most common intruders were small plastiic Lego men
Honorary Bloke
30th July 2007, 06:08 AM
2. Have you ever had a giraffe problem with your taps (or any other fauna):wink:
Can't say I have, Bleedin', but when the boyo was a youngun' he managed a plastic duck up the dunny which required similar surgery. The duck did not survive. :rolleyes: :D
30th July 2007, 08:18 AM
In the early days of CD ROM when I was at Uni a Phd student managed to stuff a computer by sticking a CD in the 5" floppy drive, he was studying computer science:no:
My DC wasn't working too well and making funny noises, removed the plastic drink bottle that it had claimed and suction improved about 99%
Bleedin Thumb
1st August 2007, 06:37 PM
Just an update incase anyone actually cared....:rolleyes:
Just went to Reese and asked for a diverter tap. The bloke comes back and say's that will be $58. For some reason my brain was engaged and I reply..."that can't be right I would think $28 or thirty something."
We are not talking haute couture of the tap world here folks, just a chrome tap.
"I'll just go check the code" he says..comes back, "Yep thats right"
I say "I'll just leave that if you don't mind."
I go 100 yards around to the next plumbing supply and they charge me $26 for exactly the same item - same manufacturer - everything identical.
I know who will be getting my business in future.
2nd August 2007, 10:30 AM
Bad move, BT, the $58 one comes with a giraffe trap...
Bleedin Thumb
2nd August 2007, 11:07 AM
It doesn't matter I've already giraffe proofed the new one..... It was a simple proceedure that started with a ritualised threat of death for the next kid that stuffed one up there and ended with 2 nodding heads saying "Yes Dad we understand." :D
2nd August 2007, 11:25 AM
ended with 2 nodding heads saying "Yes Dad we understand."
And you believed them? That's so sweet :)
Bleedin Thumb
2nd August 2007, 11:41 AM
And you believed them? That's so sweet :)
No,but I could read on their faces....he didn't say anything about cows!:p
2nd August 2007, 11:53 AM
by far the most common intruders were small plastiic Lego men
Most local hospitals have a rash of cases in January, they call legoectomies. It involves the removal of various sized lego bricks from the nasal cavity of a dad (Its always a dad:doh:). the lego block has almost always been inserted there by a child, sometimes while dad was asleep. We are talking at least on a day for a month, it then peters off in February.