View Full Version : patchy stain

27th July 2007, 09:20 PM
I'm a complete newbie to carpentry and having just bought my first house I'm learning fast! I was fortunate enough to get some very nice but second hand doors to replace the awful ones I had. The finish on these is superb. One or two of my doorways were a bit narrow so I bought some new doors. I was told to match the finish I had to use sanding sealer, then stain and then lots of coats of varnish followed by wax. I have spent quite some time sanding the door smooth followed by some sanding sealer and then some more sanding. I have just stained it with a solvent based stain and its gone rather patchy. Some bits have gone nearly black immediately as the stain seemed to soak in very quickly here and some bits dont seem to take the stain at all as the wood seems to be quite resiny. What should I do? I got myself rather upset but managed to resist the immediate urge to start sanding to try again.



28th July 2007, 11:42 AM
Maybe you should have sealed it with a diluted coat of shellac prior to staining. Seems the stain has penetrated the porous parts of the timber but not so much on the non porous parts. I am sure someone here will be able to give you some constructive advice.