View Full Version : The joys of shellac

25th July 2007, 08:59 PM
Hi All,

I currently putting together a little e-book on the joys of shellac and how to use it aimed at not just the french polisher but also at the everyday plonker who want's to finish their project and show off the wood.

Given that this will be published on the internet and it's a world wide thing (or so they tell me) I need to have definitions for some of the terms that are distinctly australian. If you are reading this and live in another country can you help me out with the following terms:-

a) Metholated Spirits
b) IMS Industrial metholated spirits (I think this might be denatured alcohol???)

In OZ, one a) is not as pure and therefore cheaper than b) and the reason is that b) is good for mixing the finish as it doesn't cause any 'blooming' and a) is good for cleanup as it's less cost if that is any help.



25th July 2007, 10:42 PM
Ah shellac,

I once fixed a silky oak chair for a lady, and the only way I could match the colour was to use orange shellac.
Great stuff, gives a magnificent finish after a few coats.


25th July 2007, 11:38 PM
Ah shellac,

I once fixed a silky oak chair for a lady, and the only way I could match the colour was to use orange shellac.
Great stuff, gives a magnificent finish after a few coats.


How old was the chair? Chances are if it was 40+ years old then it was quite possibly finished in orange shellac originally thus why you got a perfect match:)



26th July 2007, 09:58 AM
Try here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylated_spirits