View Full Version : Drilling vinyl wrap doors

24th July 2007, 07:29 PM
I am drilling holes in vinyl wrap doors for handles. Before I tear up the vinyl and ruin a perfectly good door, is there any tips? Should I drill from front to back or vica versa? Would masking tape over the doors help?

I'll make up a drilling jig to ensure holes are in the same location.


Toolin Around
24th July 2007, 09:02 PM
They're pretty durable so you should be fine with a sharp bit. I always hold a piece on the back as I drill to minimise blow out.

Master Splinter
24th July 2007, 11:30 PM
I drill through the face with a brad-point bit, but a normal bit works ok. I use a centrepunch to make sure the drill bit isn't going to wander.

(I don't like the idea of somehow managing to pop the vinyl off the door face by drilling from the back.)

I also have an offcut backing up the hole so I dont chip out the melamine face when I break through.

journeyman Mick
24th July 2007, 11:37 PM
I use a jig and drill from both sides.


21st August 2007, 11:47 PM
just make yourself a jig and drill from the front of the door. wouldnt waste your time drilling from the back or even packing the back to stop splintering. Any blow out will be minimal and covered by the handle screw. PROVIDING your drill bit is reasonably sharp

big grizzley
22nd August 2007, 08:21 PM
Make yourself a jig use a small drill bit as a mark .Then drill with a sharp drill bit from the face, you won't damage the vinyl . If you drill from the back you can get the waste stuck under the vinyl.