View Full Version : Re-finishing a hardwood staircase

24th July 2007, 09:40 AM
I will be helping my mate re-finish his spotteg gum staircase and was wondering if anybody had some tips.
They were originally sealed with a clear lacquer, not sure what brand.

I was wondering what brand of finish would people recommend?

Also what is the easiest way to determine the type of existing finish, water based or thinners. I will be looking to lightly sand the existing finish and coat over it as there is no signs of flaking or anything of that nature.

Any advice would be appreciated.:U

24th July 2007, 03:54 PM
Select an area that is not too visible and wipe with GP thinners on a cloth. If it comes off, it is an NC based lacquer.

I think you will find that if you are rubbing back the finish anyway that the base coat shouldn't matter much.

25th July 2007, 08:44 AM
Thanks , I was thinking that i needed to recoat in the same type of lacquer but by what your saying it sounds like i don't need to. :U

25th July 2007, 01:14 PM
there is a good wattle two pot floor lacker avalable i use it on my tables and it is the same type used on cork tiles. not sure what it is called will have a look this arvo.