View Full Version : lead free soft soldering

22nd July 2007, 12:00 PM
I've done a little silver soldering with copper pipes and fittings using MAPP gas with success. I thought I'd have a go with the lead free (tin) soft soldering, however, I can't get the solder to flow into the joint and it just rolls off the pipe. Do I need a special lead free soft solder flux and how much heat should I apply?...I get the joint glowing.

DJ’s Timber
22nd July 2007, 12:32 PM
Two things straight off.

Yes you need flux


if the joint is glowing, it's too hot and you will end up burning the solder

22nd July 2007, 12:36 PM
Thanks DJ, How do you know when you've applied enough heat using a MAPP gas torch?

DJ’s Timber
22nd July 2007, 12:49 PM
Every now and then remove the flame and touch solder to copper and see if it melts the solder. You don't need a lot of heat, solder doesn't like high heat as it will get brittle.

Generally I just heat till it just starts to run and keep the flame away till heat starts dieing and reheat till just starts running again

journeyman Mick
22nd July 2007, 04:38 PM
Oh, and don't trust soft solder for copper pipes carrying water where the joins will be concealed when finished.


22nd July 2007, 04:39 PM
Why waste your time with soft solder when you can silver solder? Much better job and wont break like soft solder does.