View Full Version : Toning and sealing

21st July 2007, 11:36 PM
From http://www.thewoodshop.20m.com/finishing.htm
Sand Bare wood with 120 through 180-grit paper. Clean surface.
Apply toner to even out differences between different boards. Do Not Sand
Apply stain. Do Not Sand.
Apply sanding sealer. Allow to dry. Sand with 320-grit paper.
Apply Two or more coats of a solvent-based finish, sanding lightly between each coat.

Is this advice correct? Can anyone confirm when I should use a toner, and why, and/or in addition, comment on the regimen above.


22nd July 2007, 08:30 PM
Haveno, I have never heard of toner for wood:? . Considering the use of the toner in the list you given, I'd say it would seems logical to use it as stated. I mean, what's the point of sanding the toner, wouldn't that detract from it's purpose?

Have you had a chance to try this on a couple of test pieces?


22nd July 2007, 08:55 PM
dunno what toner is in this concept.
Otherwise its the correct finishing procedure

23rd July 2007, 07:54 PM
From what i can understand toner even's out the moisture in the grains as oppose to filling in the deeper pours, like sealer does. Kind of like moisturizer for wood, looks the same too