View Full Version : French Polishing Problems - streaks in finish

21st July 2007, 11:13 PM
I have been trying to use a traditional French polish to finish my first piece. I am however having problems getting a uniform appearance to my finish. From above at 90º you have a uniform finish. However tilting in the light reveals these streaks caused by the edge of the mop/tampon.

The finish is glass like to the touch and I have buffed with 2000 wet and dry. However the streaks can bee seen.

I am using ubeaut shellac blended according to instruction (I think a 2 pound cut).

What can I do stop this effect?

22nd July 2007, 12:49 AM
Is your last application with the pad just alchohol?

22nd July 2007, 01:11 AM
Is your last application with the pad just alcohol?

Do you mean spiriting off?

No it is not I have not gotten that far. Will spiriting off get rid of the streaks?

22nd July 2007, 02:09 AM
I think we may go about it a little differently, as I don't hit 2000 grit until the final polishing. But that last stage, the 'spiriting off' and buffing may solve the problem. The other thing is to keep the room warm during the application.

Honestly I have never had great luck with french polish, shellac and me and corners do not seem to mix well :U

22nd July 2007, 10:49 AM
Honestly I have never had great luck with french polish, shellac and me and corners do not seem to mix well :U
Me either but I am sure Neil will have the answer if he reads this thread.

22nd July 2007, 03:33 PM
Neil is the expert in here but here are some thoughts from a beginner.

I stiff off with meths/shellac on the pad after every few body sessions. This should get rid of most of the streaks and uneveness. Every 5 body sessions I spirit off with meths only..this also lowers high spots and also removes lubricating oil (I use olive oil). If the surface is really uneven then I do a light rub with oil lubricated 1200 grit W and D...just enough to lower high spots.

2lb cut is good for body sessions but for final glaze coats I cut the shellac back to 1lb cut or sometimes less.

22nd July 2007, 05:53 PM
kiwigeo - I will give it a try - thank you.