View Full Version : Adelaide WW Show dinner

20th July 2007, 04:43 PM
Hi guys,

Some of you have expressed an interest in having another get together in a similar fashion to last year.
Would you guys be interested in dinner and a few well deserved cold ones at the Duke of York?
If any of you are interested reply to this thread and I can book some tables, for around 7:30pm. What do you think?
Also, I have been informed that woodies who are keen to catch up can meet at the U-beaut stand between 12:00 - 12:30 each day of the show.



20th July 2007, 08:32 PM
If numbers warrant it, I'm in Evan.

20th July 2007, 09:23 PM
It would be good to catch up, but Im going to have some gear on the back of the ute... I dont really fancy leaving it unattended.
I was going to stay overnight but I have too much work on at home, so I guess that counts me out, sorry.
Coming up on Friday, might see yers at the show?

21st July 2007, 10:48 AM
We in town for a week and already out every bl*** night. Oh to have friends and relatives

21st July 2007, 11:13 AM
Harry, was looking forward to catching up for a couple of quiet ones, not to worry theres always next year.

Geez Tonto, the trials of being popular and having lots of friends!! enjoy you stay in Adelaide and time with your friends.

Tankstand, I'm looking forward to catching up for a chat.
Things are are looking quiet! If we don't get much interest by Wednesday I guess the dinner might be a nogo so we'll have to settle for a coffee at the show instead.

21st July 2007, 11:51 AM
Which night are we talking about?

Harry, you could dump your ute in my garage if you like, I promise not to pinch anything unless you have a drum sander in there :)


21st July 2007, 12:00 PM
Sorry, forgot to add it.

How do you guys feel about Saturday????

I guess it depends on what the majority want.

21st July 2007, 09:31 PM
Curses, I'll miss the dinner this year - out of town all weekend.

Will be wandering around the show friday morning before I shoot through, so hopefully I'll catch up with a few people at the noon get-together.

21st July 2007, 10:37 PM
Count me in.

22nd July 2007, 12:27 AM
Thanks for the kind offer Woodbe but Im coming up on friday, and we(SWMBO is coming)need to get back early friday night as swmbo is working early sat morning.

22nd July 2007, 09:12 PM
Thanks for the kind offer Woodbe but Im coming up on friday, and we(SWMBO is coming)need to get back early friday night as swmbo is working early sat morning.

You can still leave your ute full of gear at my place Harry, I won't mind if you leave it there until next years show.

Too bad I am not going until Sat. I would have liked to catch up.


23rd July 2007, 06:09 PM
Hi guys,

Just a quick update, I've made a booking at the Union Hotel on Waymouth street for Saturday night at 7:30pm. It's under Evan.
So far the booking is for 15 but there is a little bit of flexibility provided we give them some warning before Saturday.
You can have a look at the menu on their website:
www.theunionhotel.com.au (http://www.theunionhotel.com.au)

It comes highly recommended by SWMBO, and I know for certain that the beers cold and the fridges are stocked.

I'll probably be there from around 6-6:30 for a few quiet ones.

Unfortunately the Duke of York no longer serve sit-down dinners on a saturday night, only finger foods. I figured after a hard days shopping we'll need all the nourishment we can get!!



25th July 2007, 03:13 PM
Thanks for the invite Evan but unfortunately I have another engagement on Saturday night, however I expect to be at the Show sometime on Saturday morning. How is your Dad getting on with his major purchase last year?


25th July 2007, 04:33 PM
Hi Trevor,

It's a shame you can't make to the dinner. I'll keep an eye out for you at the show on Saturday.
The old man is still over the moon over his purchase. Mum wasn't as easily convinced it was a good thing untill it was put to use on the house they are renovating, now she's also a convert.



25th July 2007, 06:37 PM
Hey Tex, Can't make dinner but Might get a beer or two in afterward,

25th July 2007, 09:05 PM
Sounds good, see you there

25th July 2007, 09:55 PM
Sorry guys, but I will not be able to make it to the dinner. I guess I should have verified with the missus before committing.

See you at the show.

26th July 2007, 06:09 PM
Thanks for the update Youval, I'll look forward to seeing you at the show.

Well, things are looking pretty grim indeed (Do I smell or something??), It looks like it's might be just tankstand and I. Doesn't matter, all the more beer and wenches for us!! Well maybe just the beer.

26th July 2007, 07:24 PM
dinner Cancelled!!

Wild Dingo
27th July 2007, 01:50 PM

IM disappointed :C

Wheres the commeraderie gone?

Wheres the mateship gone?

And wheres the "to hell with the missus workin in the morning she can take a sicky" to be with yer mates gone?

And wheres those two reprobates young Daddlydaddles and Mik gone let alone Christopha gone?

I was waitin in anticipation for the fruits of the nights adventures to be posted... about Tex shoutin the bar with his spurs ajanglin his at askrewwiff of Daddlydaddles that young fella with a writin bent regaling us of the mighty nights disarstorous times and Mik and his exploits tryin to chase the prawn cocktail down before that bald headed bloke with the skew as earholes gets to it first... you know the fella? the one who got lost in the wilds of Bidgy for a few short months found he couldnt take it (tuffen up son!) and ran off... or was that run off?

Oh the stories were gonna miss out on of the Adelaide woodbutcherin woodnuts an woodboobs dinner party :C fair enough to make a grown man cry in his beer... ah tis all good I hear young Kemeko is up to some plannin for the West Aussie adventure something about a caravan parked up outside the do with tucker an beers an such... mind you that young filly has been rather quiet of late so maybe thats a flop too... DAMN!! well bless me buttons boy its gonna have to be a RAGE at Dereks!! YEEEEEEEEEEFLAMINHAWWW! :2tsup: :U

Nah mate tis a shame when good ideas dont come together... have a great show anyways :2tsup: